对于goldmane搜索[The Search for Goldmane] - Outlands Quests

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 286人看过
开始NPCzoriboh - rabao(F-6)/(F-7) Zoriboh - Rabao (F-6)/(F-7)

要求对promathia膨胀 链:古老的誓言 Chains of Promathia Expansion : Ancient Vows

所需物品铜钥匙 Copper Key

授予称号菜鸟英雄教练 Rookie Hero Instructor

可重复的没有 No


Deluxe Carbine3,000g


Talk to Zoriboh and agree to start the quest to receive the Care package (key item).

Go to Tavnazian Safehold and talk with Quelveuiat ((I-10), 1st Floor near "Altar of the Dawn" ) for a cutscene.
得到一把铜钥匙从力韦内-力韦内秃鹫网站# A01。你也要杀一个巨型通过不稳定的位移火龙。
Get a Copper Key from a Riverne Vulture in Riverne - Site #A01. You will also need to kill a Firedrake for a Giant Scale to get through the Unstable Displacements.

在力韦内现场# A01穿过门户的岛屿在11。你会在到达岛上收到的过场。贸易的铜钥匙箱(宝箱)有一幕。
At Riverne - Site #A01 go through the portals to the island at I-11. You will receive a cutscene upon reaching the island. Trade the Copper Key to the Trunk (a treasure box) there for another cutscene.
Go to the Bastok Metalworks upper floor and talk to Vladinek at H-8 in the Craftsmen's Eatery for a long cutscene.

Go to Bibiki Bay and take the Manaclipper to Purgonorgo Isle. To board the Manaclipper, you need to buy a ticket from Tswe Panipahr.
有多个manaclipper去不同的岛屿。说fheli lapatzuo(H-7)在码头登船之前船以确保它是正确的。
There are multiple Manaclipper that go to different islands. Speak to Fheli Lapatzuo (H-7) at the docks before boarding a boat to make sure it's the correct one.

Go to the beach at F-9 by the Weathered Boat.
Select the Weathered Boat for a short cutscene. The NM Rohemolipaud, an Elvaan Ranger around level 55, will spawn after the cutscene is done.

Once about 1400 damage is done to him, or the fight goes on long enough, he will use Camouflage and run off, ending the fight.
Note: If you are in a party, and have more than one party member who needs to complete the same quest, you will need to activate the NM battle for each person. You can activate the NM right after the previous person completed the long cutscene after the NM battle.

Select the Weathered Boat again for a cutscene and your reward - Deluxe Carbine
Finally, go back to Rabao and talk to Zoriboh to complete the quest and receive your 3000 gil.

