真实意志[True Will] - Outlands Quests

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 488人看过
开始NPC龙马- NORG(H-8) Ryoma - Norg (H-8)

要求忍者50 + Ninja 50+

所需物品kuftal金库钥匙 Kuftal Coffer Key

授予称号忍者的卓越典范 Paragon of Ninja Excellence

可重复的是的,看到vingijard AF完成后。 Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.


Ninja Chainmail


Ryoma in Norg sends you to Yhoator Jungle

It is not required to be Ninja to pick up this quest.
If you are eligible for the quest Bugi Soden you will be offered that quest instead. Speak with him again to receive True Will.

检查????在(I-7)产生3 nm sahagins:
Examine the ??? at (I-7) to spawn 3 NM Sahagins:

It is not required to be Ninja to pick up this quest.
If you are eligible for the quest Bugi Soden you will be offered that quest instead. Speak with him again to receive True Will.

Kappa akuso(和尚)以百的拳头。
Kappa Akuso (Monk) Uses Hundred Fists.
Kappa Biwa (Bard) Uses Soul Voice.

Kappa Bonze (White Mage) Uses Benediction.
Kappa Bonze may be slept with Lullaby, Sleep or Repose. Akuso and Biwa appear to be immune to the effect.

Only one Kappa needs to be defeated, one strategy for doing this is to run to the Den of Rancor zone, let the other two Kappas move back to the spawn point, and fight one Kappa at the zone. As with other fights using this strategy, you must wait for the other two Kappas to de-spawn before defeating the one you choose to fight.
采用这种策略时,我们强烈建议你不要选择Kappa akuso为你战斗。如果你选择战斗κakuso附近战斗,魔鬼的大锅区。区立即后,他用了100个拳头,等待20秒。带回到yhoator丛林战斗他了。
When using this strategy, it is highly recommended that you do not choose Kappa Akuso as the one you fight. If you do choose to fight Kappa Akuso, fight near the Ifrit's Cauldron zone. Zone immediately after he uses Hundred Fists and wait 20 seconds. Zone back into Yhoator Jungle and fight him again.

Kappa akuso也容易束缚和重力可能被证明是为避免百拳更容易的方法。
Kappa Akuso is also susceptible to Bind and Gravity which may prove to be an easier technique for avoiding Hundred Fists.
You are unable to sneak pop these mobs.

When using this strategy, this fight is known soloable by most jobs at 75 given a solo-friendly job/subjob, and by some jobs at 60.
Take caution if Woodland Sage pops, it aggros up to level 99.

Kill them and examine ??? again to get Old Trick Box (key item).
Take it back to Ryoma who then sends you to Rabao to talk with Leodarion at (F-8).

Leodarion sends you to Kuftal Tunnel.
Open a Treasure Coffer to receive Large Trick Box (key item).

This can be done as any job; the Large Trick Box can be attained by picking the lock as Thief, or with a Kuftal Coffer Key.
如果你有追求骑士潜行者(DRG AF)的活性,这是可能的,你可能会收到与任务相关的关键项目,而不是大型魔术箱。
If you have the quest Knight Stalker (DRG AF) active, it is possible that you may receive the Key Item associated with that quest, rather than the Large Trick Box.

Lastly, bring the Large Trick Box back to Leodarion to complete the quest and receive your reward.

This can be done as any job; the Large Trick Box can be attained by picking the lock as Thief, or with a Kuftal Coffer Key.
如果你有追求骑士潜行者(DRG AF)的活性,这是可能的,你可能会收到与任务相关的关键项目,而不是大型魔术箱。
If you have the quest Knight Stalker (DRG AF) active, it is possible that you may receive the Key Item associated with that quest, rather than the Large Trick Box.

