释放羊毛[Release the Fleece] - Other Quests

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 675人看过

开始NPC绿拇指明晶 Green Thumb Moogle

要求所有4级聚会的地点:“田野施肥”的木偶”曲张矿脉” “黑色鱼的家” All rank 4 gathering locations:"Fields And Fertilizing""Grandiloquent Groves""Varicose Mineral Veins" "Dredging's No Drudgery" "Black Fish of the Family"

奖励怪物部分unlockedlittle饲养羊解锁 Monster Rearing partially unlockedLittle Sheep unlocked

任务步骤跟绿拇指明晶在MOG花园来激活这个任务。 Speak to Green Thumb Moogle in Mog Garden to activate this quest.

确保你所有的聚集点,至少是4级,你雇susuroon至少一次完成sidequest叮当的耳环。 Make sure all of your gathering points are at least rank 4 and that you have employed Susuroon at least once by completing the Jingly Dangler sidequest.可能的聚集点的总和的总和,只需20。现场触发后,沿海捕鱼网到5平,而花园沟仍为3级。 Possible that the combined total of gathering point levels just needs to be 20. Scene triggered after leveling Coastal Fishing Net to 5, while the Garden Furrow was still level 3.

Speak to Chacharoon and choose to raise a Little Sheep and begin Monster Rearing.

Make sure all of your gathering points are at least rank 4 and that you have employed Susuroon at least once by completing the Jingly Dangler sidequest.
Possible that the combined total of gathering point levels just needs to be 20. Scene triggered after leveling Coastal Fishing Net to 5, while the Garden Furrow was still level 3.

Speak to Green Thumb Moogle in Mog Garden to activate this quest.
Make sure all of your gathering points are at least rank 4 and that you have employed Susuroon at least once by completing the Jingly Dangler sidequest.

Possible that the combined total of gathering point levels just needs to be 20. Scene triggered after leveling Coastal Fishing Net to 5, while the Garden Furrow was still level 3.
Speak to Chacharoon and choose to raise a Little Sheep and begin Monster Rearing.

Speak to Chacharoon once more then speak to the Little Sheep, select Interact with the beast and Pet it, and then once again speak to Chacharoon.
Speak to the Green Thumb Moogle for a cutscene with Atelloune and some Obscure Crabs that ends this quest and begins Feeding Frenzy.

