理解霸王?[An Understanding Overlord?] - Other Quests

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 445人看过
开始NPC厕所kohor -修道的洞穴 Loo Kohor - Monastic Cavern

要求等级60 + Level 60+

所需物品水牛hideram leather10000 gilorc cuttingorc helmcommunication从子xicuoptional部分:gadzradd掌舵 Buffalo HideRam Leather10,000 gilOrc CuttingOrc HelmCommunication from Tzee XicuOptional Portion:Gadzradd's Helm

授予称号兽人的警官 Orcish Serjeant

奖励gadzradd的helmoptional部分:金beastcoin Gadzradd's HelmOptional Portion:Gold Beastcoin


进入修道院的洞穴通过七国集团在一个动画与卢Davoi kohor启动任务。你将被给予的选择,是否开始的探索;如果你选择不采取的探索,你将不被给予的机会,重新开始,直到下一个征服。
Enter the Monastic Cavern through G-7 in Davoi for a cutscene with Loo Kohor to start the quest. You will be given the option of whether or not to begin the quest; if you choose to not take the quest, you will not be given the chance to start it again until the next Conquest Tally.

Go to the Tanners' Guild in Southern San d'Oria and talk with Faulpie, the Leathercraft Guildmaster, for a cutscene. Faulpie requests need a Buffalo Hide, Ram Leather, and 10,000 gil.
贸易要求的项目和吉尔faulpie同时。区,至少等到下一天(0集时间后)和faulpie又一幕,你会在这一点上得到一个兽人和半兽人的头盔,切需要的配方。(注:如果你希望得到一个兽人的切割,你可以得到更多的从faulpie 100000吉尔。)
Trade the requested items and gil to Faulpie at the same time. Zone and wait until at least the next day (after 0:00 Vana'diel time) to talk to Faulpie again for a cutscene, at which point you will receive an Orc Cutting and the recipe for the Orc Helm that requires it. (Note: If you wish to receive another Orc Cutting, you can get more from Faulpie for 100,000 gil each.)

The Orc Cutting is used in a high skill Leathercraft recipe to craft the level 61 headwear Orc Helm, which is required for the rest of the quest. Neither the Orc Helm nor the Orc Cutting can be sold via the Auction House.
Return to the Monastic Cavern through G-7 in Davoi while wearing the Orc Helm, for another cutscene and to receive the Communication from Tzee Xicu.

Go to F-6 in the Monastic Cavern and select the Cryptexphere while wearing the Orc Helm to spawn 7 angry Orc Notorious Monsters will arrive!
The key item is not lost until the battle is won.


The key item is not lost until the battle is won.

Orcish Overlord
chillgaze foddrud
Chillgaze Foddrud

grimbolt onkzok
Grimbolt Onkzok
rictusgrin prakpok
Rictusgrin Prakpok

sevenskewer krugglug
Sevenskewer Krugglug
shatterskull mippdapp
Shatterskull Mippdapp

Siegebreaker Wujroj
The only NM that needs to be killed is the Orcish Overlord; once it is killed, the others will disappear. It is possible to Sleep/Lullaby the rest of the Orcs and kill the Overlord, making the fight easier.

7 appearbehind兽人玩家选择兽人的cryptexphere掌舵,以最初的恨。
All 7 Orcs appearbehind the player who selects the Cryptexphere with the Orc Helm, taking initial hate.
Around three of the Orcs are resistant to Sleep and lullaby, but none are immune. See talk page.

Once the Orcish Overlord is defeated, select the Cryptexphere again while wearing the Orc Helm for a cutscene.
Unequip and then trade the Orc Helm to the Cryptexphere; there will be another cutscene and that helm will be replaced by Gadzradd's Helm. The quest is now considered complete.

The fight only needs to be done once. Everybody in party receives credit for kill.
Optional Portion

Zone out into the Monastic Cavern through G-7 in Davoi while wearing Gadzradd's Helm for a cutscene and a Gold Beastcoin reward.
This step may be required to accept another beastman headgear quest on the next conquest tally.

