安魂曲罪[Requiem of Sin] - Other Quests
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 441人看过
开始NPC :despachiaire -地下壕(K-10) Despachiaire - Tavnazian Safehold (K-10)
要求 :以正义的名义过场”“茂拉击败promathia在黎明之后。 Cutscene "In the Name of Justice" in Mhaura after defeating Promathia during Dawn.
所需物品 :第一次:从猎人Y.当重复信:从mithran跟踪信。 First time: Letter from Shikaree Y. When repeating: Letter from the Mithran Trackers.
授予称号 :司法之徒 Disciple of Justice
可重复的 :每一次征服周期。 Once per Conquest cycle.
Various, with the chance of nothing.
Talk to Despachiaire to obtain the Key Item: Letter from Shikaree Y.
The quest will not be flagged in your current quests. It will only appear in your completed quests if you are victorious.
At least one Conquest tally must have taken place after completing Tango with a Tracker.
Furthermore, the cutscene "In the Name of Justice" in Mhaura after defeating Promathia during Dawn is required for the quest to activate.
Go to Boneyard Gully and enter the battlefield for: Requiem of Sin.
The battlefield has a 30 minute time limit, up to 6 party members may enter, and it is uncapped. Buffs including TP are not lost upon entry, and experience points are lost from KO.
The Letter from Shikaree Y is lost upon entry. If the battle is not completed successfully, Despachiaire will give a new one after the next Conquest tally.
If this is your first time entering this battlefield. meaning you have the Letter from Shikaree Y) and you enter with others that have completed it before, having a different key item, the Letter from the Mithran Trackers), and if they are the ones to enter first, and you fail, you will not be able to obtain a new Key item until the next Conquest tally.
After successfully clearing the battlefield and waiting until the next Conquest tally, you may return to Despachiaire to obtain the new key item, Letter from the Mithran Trackers, which will allow you to repeat the battle.
Talk to Despachiaire to obtain the Key Item: Letter from Shikaree Y.
The quest will not be flagged in your current quests. It will only appear in your completed quests if you are victorious.
At least one Conquest tally must have taken place after completing Tango with a Tracker.
Furthermore, the cutscene "In the Name of Justice" in Mhaura after defeating Promathia during Dawn is required for the quest to activate.
Go to Boneyard Gully and enter the battlefield for: Requiem of Sin.
The battlefield has a 30 minute time limit, up to 6 party members may enter, and it is uncapped. Buffs including TP are not lost upon entry, and experience points are lost from KO.
The Letter from Shikaree Y is lost upon entry. If the battle is not completed successfully, Despachiaire will give a new one after the next Conquest tally.
If this is your first time entering this battlefield. meaning you have the Letter from Shikaree Y) and you enter with others that have completed it before, having a different key item, the Letter from the Mithran Trackers), and if they are the ones to enter first, and you fail, you will not be able to obtain a new Key item until the next Conquest tally.
After successfully clearing the battlefield and waiting until the next Conquest tally, you may return to Despachiaire to obtain the new key item, Letter from the Mithran Trackers, which will allow you to repeat the battle.
The quest will not be flagged in your current quests. It will only appear in your completed quests if you are victorious.
At least one Conquest tally must have taken place after completing Tango with a Tracker.
Furthermore, the cutscene "In the Name of Justice" in Mhaura after defeating Promathia during Dawn is required for the quest to activate.
The battlefield has a 30 minute time limit, up to 6 party members may enter, and it is uncapped. Buffs including TP are not lost upon entry, and experience points are lost from KO.
The Letter from Shikaree Y is lost upon entry. If the battle is not completed successfully, Despachiaire will give a new one after the next Conquest tally.
If this is your first time entering this battlefield. meaning you have the Letter from Shikaree Y) and you enter with others that have completed it before, having a different key item, the Letter from the Mithran Trackers), and if they are the ones to enter first, and you fail, you will not be able to obtain a new Key item until the next Conquest tally.
After successfully clearing the battlefield and waiting until the next Conquest tally, you may return to Despachiaire to obtain the new key item, Letter from the Mithran Trackers, which will allow you to repeat the battle.
If this is your first time entering this battlefield. meaning you have the Letter from Shikaree Y) and you enter with others that have completed it before, having a different key item, the Letter from the Mithran Trackers), and if they are the ones to enter first, and you fail, you will not be able to obtain a new Key item until the next Conquest tally.
The Battle
Again you face harder versions of the Shikarees from Promathia Mission 5-3-2:
要求 :以正义的名义过场”“茂拉击败promathia在黎明之后。 Cutscene "In the Name of Justice" in Mhaura after defeating Promathia during Dawn.
所需物品 :第一次:从猎人Y.当重复信:从mithran跟踪信。 First time: Letter from Shikaree Y. When repeating: Letter from the Mithran Trackers.
授予称号 :司法之徒 Disciple of Justice
可重复的 :每一次征服周期。 Once per Conquest cycle.
Various, with the chance of nothing.
Talk to Despachiaire to obtain the Key Item: Letter from Shikaree Y.
The quest will not be flagged in your current quests. It will only appear in your completed quests if you are victorious.
At least one Conquest tally must have taken place after completing Tango with a Tracker.
Furthermore, the cutscene "In the Name of Justice" in Mhaura after defeating Promathia during Dawn is required for the quest to activate.
Go to Boneyard Gully and enter the battlefield for: Requiem of Sin.
The battlefield has a 30 minute time limit, up to 6 party members may enter, and it is uncapped. Buffs including TP are not lost upon entry, and experience points are lost from KO.
The Letter from Shikaree Y is lost upon entry. If the battle is not completed successfully, Despachiaire will give a new one after the next Conquest tally.
If this is your first time entering this battlefield. meaning you have the Letter from Shikaree Y) and you enter with others that have completed it before, having a different key item, the Letter from the Mithran Trackers), and if they are the ones to enter first, and you fail, you will not be able to obtain a new Key item until the next Conquest tally.
After successfully clearing the battlefield and waiting until the next Conquest tally, you may return to Despachiaire to obtain the new key item, Letter from the Mithran Trackers, which will allow you to repeat the battle.
Talk to Despachiaire to obtain the Key Item: Letter from Shikaree Y.
The quest will not be flagged in your current quests. It will only appear in your completed quests if you are victorious.
At least one Conquest tally must have taken place after completing Tango with a Tracker.
Furthermore, the cutscene "In the Name of Justice" in Mhaura after defeating Promathia during Dawn is required for the quest to activate.
Go to Boneyard Gully and enter the battlefield for: Requiem of Sin.
The battlefield has a 30 minute time limit, up to 6 party members may enter, and it is uncapped. Buffs including TP are not lost upon entry, and experience points are lost from KO.
The Letter from Shikaree Y is lost upon entry. If the battle is not completed successfully, Despachiaire will give a new one after the next Conquest tally.
If this is your first time entering this battlefield. meaning you have the Letter from Shikaree Y) and you enter with others that have completed it before, having a different key item, the Letter from the Mithran Trackers), and if they are the ones to enter first, and you fail, you will not be able to obtain a new Key item until the next Conquest tally.
After successfully clearing the battlefield and waiting until the next Conquest tally, you may return to Despachiaire to obtain the new key item, Letter from the Mithran Trackers, which will allow you to repeat the battle.
The quest will not be flagged in your current quests. It will only appear in your completed quests if you are victorious.
At least one Conquest tally must have taken place after completing Tango with a Tracker.
Furthermore, the cutscene "In the Name of Justice" in Mhaura after defeating Promathia during Dawn is required for the quest to activate.
The battlefield has a 30 minute time limit, up to 6 party members may enter, and it is uncapped. Buffs including TP are not lost upon entry, and experience points are lost from KO.
The Letter from Shikaree Y is lost upon entry. If the battle is not completed successfully, Despachiaire will give a new one after the next Conquest tally.
If this is your first time entering this battlefield. meaning you have the Letter from Shikaree Y) and you enter with others that have completed it before, having a different key item, the Letter from the Mithran Trackers), and if they are the ones to enter first, and you fail, you will not be able to obtain a new Key item until the next Conquest tally.
After successfully clearing the battlefield and waiting until the next Conquest tally, you may return to Despachiaire to obtain the new key item, Letter from the Mithran Trackers, which will allow you to repeat the battle.
If this is your first time entering this battlefield. meaning you have the Letter from Shikaree Y) and you enter with others that have completed it before, having a different key item, the Letter from the Mithran Trackers), and if they are the ones to enter first, and you fail, you will not be able to obtain a new Key item until the next Conquest tally.
The Battle
Again you face harder versions of the Shikarees from Promathia Mission 5-3-2: