大海的呼唤[The Call of the Sea] - Other Quests

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 417人看过
开始NPCanteurephiaux -地下壕(J-8) Anteurephiaux - Tavnazian Safehold (J-8)

可重复的没有 No

奖励纪念围巾 Memento Muffler

跟leporaitceau。(第三楼,地下壕在J-8) Talk to Leporaitceau. (3rd floor, Tavnazian Safehold at J-8)跟equette。(第二楼,地下壕在I-9) Talk to Equette. (2nd floor, Tavnazian Safehold at I-9)

跟anteurephiaux任务的获得。(第三楼,地下壕在J-8) Talk to Anteurephiaux to obtain the quest. (3rd floor, Tavnazian Safehold at J-8)去misareaux海岸K-12和触摸????产卵的纳米螃蟹血腥的棺材。 Go to K-12 in Misareaux Coast and touch the ??? to spawn the NM crab Bloody Coffin.

Bloody Coffin has very high defense to both physical and magic combat damage, except when it's casting a spell; timing is important to do major damage to it. It can be debuffed (Silence, Gravity, etc.) as necessary.
After killing the Bloody Coffin, touch the ??? again to obtain the Whispering Conch (key item). If you zone before touching ??? you have to do the fight again.

Return to the Tavnazian Safehold and talk to Anteurephiaux.
Talk to Equette to complete the quest.

