下雨的模特[It's Raining Mannequins] - Other Quests
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 233人看过
开始NPC :仅供参考chalmwoh -茂拉(八国集团) Fyi Chalmwoh - Mhaura (G-8)
要求 :温德斯特声誉:1 Windurst Reputation: 1
所需物品 :模特bodymannequin feetmannequin handsmannequin headmannequin legsye Olde模特cataloguemannequin联合图 Mannequin BodyMannequin FeetMannequin HandsMannequin HeadMannequin LegsYe Olde Mannequin CatalogueMannequin Joint Diagrams
授予称号 :没有 None
可重复的 :没有 No
下列之一:elvaan F mannequinelvaan M mannequingalka mannequinhume F mannequinhume M mannequinmithra mannequintarutaru M mannequintarutaru F模特
One of the following:Elvaan F MannequinElvaan M MannequinGalka MannequinHume F MannequinHume M MannequinMithra MannequinTarutaru M MannequinTarutaru F Mannequin
Speak to Fyi Chalmwoh at G-8 in Mhaura (in the Goldsmithing shop).
Once finished, talk to her again.
Now go to Selbina and talk to Ramona at H-9 in the Weaver's shop. She'll give you Ye Olde Mannequin Catalogue.
San d'Oria
现在去北圣多利亚和F-3在木工行业前cheupirudaux说话。他会给你< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>人体关节图。
Now go to Northern San d'Oria and talk to Cheupirudaux at F-3 in front of the Woodworking Guild. He'll give you <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" > Mannequin Joint Diagrams.
Mannequin Parts
Now you need to collect all 5 of the mannequin parts. You can either get them from the source, or buy them from bazaars and through trades. They cannot be sold through the Auction House.
Mannequin Body (100% drop from Crustacean Conundrum and Grove Guardians)
Mannequin Feet (Potential drop from monsters any Garrison, regardless of win)
Mannequin Hands (100% drop from Charming Trio)
Mannequin Head (100% drop from Shooting Fish and Dropping Like Flies)
Mannequin Legs (Potential drop from monsters any Garrison, regardless of win)
All mannequin parts can also be obtained from the quest Uninvited Guests, but the drop rate is very low and the quest can only be attempted once per conquest tally.
All mannequin parts can also be obtained during certain Repeat Login Campaigns (refer to the Repeat Login Campaign page and select the current ongoing campaign to see if the parts are currently available).
All mannequin parts can also be obtained from the Flotsam in your Mog Garden during the 11th Vana'versary Campaign. They are not available as flotsam normally, however. If it is currently possible to receive mannequin parts, you will be receiving two flotsam a day, and the second flotsam has a chance to be a mannequin part; additionally, Crabauble will look like Courier Carrie whenever mannequin parts have a chance of appearing in Mog Garden.
Speak to Fyi Chalmwoh at G-8 in Mhaura (in the Goldsmithing shop).
Once finished, talk to her again.
Mannequin Body (100% drop from Crustacean Conundrum and Grove Guardians)
Mannequin Feet (Potential drop from monsters any Garrison, regardless of win)
Mannequin Hands (100% drop from Charming Trio)
Mannequin Head (100% drop from Shooting Fish and Dropping Like Flies)
Mannequin Legs (Potential drop from monsters any Garrison, regardless of win)
Put it Together
Now go back to Mhaura and trade all 5 pieces to Fyi Chalmwoh. You have to wait a game day to get your reward.
She will give you the mannequin that is the same Race and gender as your character. If you want a different mannequin, trade the one that you have back to Fyi Chalmwoh and she'll let you choose another one for 2,000 gil.
Once you've completed this quest, you will now be able to buy more mannequins from Fyi Chalmwoh for 100,000 gil each, or you can trade in one that you have to get one with a different race or gender.
To place equipment on the mannequin, put it in your Mog safe and arrange it like normal furniture. Then place the equipment you want to use in storage. Go back to layout, select the mannequin, and select <Equip> from the menu. You can now equip the mannequin with the items in storage just as you would equip yourself with items in inventory. However, only equipment that is normally visible (Main, Sub, Range, Head, Body, Hands, Legs & Feet) can be used. Note that you will need to unequip an item before you can move out of storage. Also note that items still use up storage slots whether they are equipped or not.
要求 :温德斯特声誉:1 Windurst Reputation: 1
所需物品 :模特bodymannequin feetmannequin handsmannequin headmannequin legsye Olde模特cataloguemannequin联合图 Mannequin BodyMannequin FeetMannequin HandsMannequin HeadMannequin LegsYe Olde Mannequin CatalogueMannequin Joint Diagrams
授予称号 :没有 None
可重复的 :没有 No
下列之一:elvaan F mannequinelvaan M mannequingalka mannequinhume F mannequinhume M mannequinmithra mannequintarutaru M mannequintarutaru F模特
One of the following:Elvaan F MannequinElvaan M MannequinGalka MannequinHume F MannequinHume M MannequinMithra MannequinTarutaru M MannequinTarutaru F Mannequin
Speak to Fyi Chalmwoh at G-8 in Mhaura (in the Goldsmithing shop).
Once finished, talk to her again.
Now go to Selbina and talk to Ramona at H-9 in the Weaver's shop. She'll give you Ye Olde Mannequin Catalogue.
San d'Oria
现在去北圣多利亚和F-3在木工行业前cheupirudaux说话。他会给你< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>人体关节图。
Now go to Northern San d'Oria and talk to Cheupirudaux at F-3 in front of the Woodworking Guild. He'll give you <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" > Mannequin Joint Diagrams.
Mannequin Parts
Now you need to collect all 5 of the mannequin parts. You can either get them from the source, or buy them from bazaars and through trades. They cannot be sold through the Auction House.
Mannequin Body (100% drop from Crustacean Conundrum and Grove Guardians)
Mannequin Feet (Potential drop from monsters any Garrison, regardless of win)
Mannequin Hands (100% drop from Charming Trio)
Mannequin Head (100% drop from Shooting Fish and Dropping Like Flies)
Mannequin Legs (Potential drop from monsters any Garrison, regardless of win)
All mannequin parts can also be obtained from the quest Uninvited Guests, but the drop rate is very low and the quest can only be attempted once per conquest tally.
All mannequin parts can also be obtained during certain Repeat Login Campaigns (refer to the Repeat Login Campaign page and select the current ongoing campaign to see if the parts are currently available).
All mannequin parts can also be obtained from the Flotsam in your Mog Garden during the 11th Vana'versary Campaign. They are not available as flotsam normally, however. If it is currently possible to receive mannequin parts, you will be receiving two flotsam a day, and the second flotsam has a chance to be a mannequin part; additionally, Crabauble will look like Courier Carrie whenever mannequin parts have a chance of appearing in Mog Garden.
Speak to Fyi Chalmwoh at G-8 in Mhaura (in the Goldsmithing shop).
Once finished, talk to her again.
Mannequin Body (100% drop from Crustacean Conundrum and Grove Guardians)
Mannequin Feet (Potential drop from monsters any Garrison, regardless of win)
Mannequin Hands (100% drop from Charming Trio)
Mannequin Head (100% drop from Shooting Fish and Dropping Like Flies)
Mannequin Legs (Potential drop from monsters any Garrison, regardless of win)
Put it Together
Now go back to Mhaura and trade all 5 pieces to Fyi Chalmwoh. You have to wait a game day to get your reward.
She will give you the mannequin that is the same Race and gender as your character. If you want a different mannequin, trade the one that you have back to Fyi Chalmwoh and she'll let you choose another one for 2,000 gil.
Once you've completed this quest, you will now be able to buy more mannequins from Fyi Chalmwoh for 100,000 gil each, or you can trade in one that you have to get one with a different race or gender.
To place equipment on the mannequin, put it in your Mog safe and arrange it like normal furniture. Then place the equipment you want to use in storage. Go back to layout, select the mannequin, and select <Equip> from the menu. You can now equip the mannequin with the items in storage just as you would equip yourself with items in inventory. However, only equipment that is normally visible (Main, Sub, Range, Head, Body, Hands, Legs & Feet) can be used. Note that you will need to unequip an item before you can move out of storage. Also note that items still use up storage slots whether they are equipped or not.