营救[The Rescue] - Other Quests
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 171人看过
开始NPC :雷鹰selbina(g-9) Thunder Hawk - Selbina (G-9)
要求 :selbina / rabao声誉 Selbina/Rabao Reputation
所需物品 :quadav魅力 Quadav Charm
授予称号 :对selbina荣誉市民 Honorary Citizen of Selbina
可重复的 :没有 No
地图的ranguemont pass5000g 2000XP
Map of the Ranguemont Pass5,000g 2,000xp
Thunder Hawk wants you to rescue two merchants who were kidnapped by Quadav and being held at the jail in Beadeaux.
Thunder Hawk wants you to rescue two merchants who were kidnapped by Quadav and being held at the jail in Beadeaux.
Head to Beadeaux (I-8).
注:如果你检查了????,它说:“一张羊皮纸被钉在这里。如果你选择“是”。要选择是否读羊皮纸或不,它写道:mrahcva dauqe响应yekllec EHT。该uqons Naem dnuos上。倒着读(和respaced,)它的翻译为:“细胞的关键是quadav魅力。没有声音没有quadav。”
Note: If you check the ???, it says "A piece of parchment has been nailed here." If you select "Yes." to the choice whether to read the parchment or not, it reads: Mrahcva dauqe htsi yekllec eht. Vada uqons naem dnuos on. Read backwards (and respaced,) it translates to: "The cell key is the quadav charm. No sound means no quadav."
Head to Beadeaux (I-8).
注:如果你检查了????,它说:“一张羊皮纸被钉在这里。如果你选择“是”。要选择是否读羊皮纸或不,它写道:mrahcva dauqe响应yekllec EHT。该uqons Naem dnuos上。倒着读(和respaced,)它的翻译为:“细胞的关键是quadav魅力。没有声音没有quadav。”
Note: If you check the ???, it says "A piece of parchment has been nailed here." If you select "Yes." to the choice whether to read the parchment or not, it reads: Mrahcva dauqe htsi yekllec eht. Vada uqons naem dnuos on. Read backwards (and respaced,) it translates to: "The cell key is the quadav charm. No sound means no quadav."
To get into the jail cell, you first need to get a Quadav Charm which drops from De'Vyu Headhunter (I-9) of Beadeaux.
Once you get the item, trade it to the jail door at (I-8) (You will need to drop to reach the door) and trigger a cutscene with the merchants Serafin and Evrard. They will give you the Trader's Sack (key item) to return to Thunder Hawk.
Return to Thunder Hawk to complete the quest.
要求 :selbina / rabao声誉 Selbina/Rabao Reputation
所需物品 :quadav魅力 Quadav Charm
授予称号 :对selbina荣誉市民 Honorary Citizen of Selbina
可重复的 :没有 No
地图的ranguemont pass5000g 2000XP
Map of the Ranguemont Pass5,000g 2,000xp
Thunder Hawk wants you to rescue two merchants who were kidnapped by Quadav and being held at the jail in Beadeaux.
Thunder Hawk wants you to rescue two merchants who were kidnapped by Quadav and being held at the jail in Beadeaux.
Head to Beadeaux (I-8).
注:如果你检查了????,它说:“一张羊皮纸被钉在这里。如果你选择“是”。要选择是否读羊皮纸或不,它写道:mrahcva dauqe响应yekllec EHT。该uqons Naem dnuos上。倒着读(和respaced,)它的翻译为:“细胞的关键是quadav魅力。没有声音没有quadav。”
Note: If you check the ???, it says "A piece of parchment has been nailed here." If you select "Yes." to the choice whether to read the parchment or not, it reads: Mrahcva dauqe htsi yekllec eht. Vada uqons naem dnuos on. Read backwards (and respaced,) it translates to: "The cell key is the quadav charm. No sound means no quadav."
Head to Beadeaux (I-8).
注:如果你检查了????,它说:“一张羊皮纸被钉在这里。如果你选择“是”。要选择是否读羊皮纸或不,它写道:mrahcva dauqe响应yekllec EHT。该uqons Naem dnuos上。倒着读(和respaced,)它的翻译为:“细胞的关键是quadav魅力。没有声音没有quadav。”
Note: If you check the ???, it says "A piece of parchment has been nailed here." If you select "Yes." to the choice whether to read the parchment or not, it reads: Mrahcva dauqe htsi yekllec eht. Vada uqons naem dnuos on. Read backwards (and respaced,) it translates to: "The cell key is the quadav charm. No sound means no quadav."
To get into the jail cell, you first need to get a Quadav Charm which drops from De'Vyu Headhunter (I-9) of Beadeaux.
Once you get the item, trade it to the jail door at (I-8) (You will need to drop to reach the door) and trigger a cutscene with the merchants Serafin and Evrard. They will give you the Trader's Sack (key item) to return to Thunder Hawk.
Return to Thunder Hawk to complete the quest.