在大胆挑战[In Defiant Challenge] - Jeuno Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 161人看过
开始NPC马特- ru'lude花园(5) Maat - Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5)

要求等级50 Level 50

所需物品要求:弹coalexoray moldancient papyrusrecommended:加权stonesoptional袋:exoray模屑x3bomb煤片段x3 < IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>古老的莎草纸碎片X3 Required:Bomb CoalExoray MoldAncient PapyrusRecommendedouch of weighted stonesOptional:Exoray mold crumb x3Bomb coal fragment x3<img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833"          alt="KeyItem"          class=""                  data-image-key="KeyItem.png"         data-image-name="KeyItem.png"                   width="16"           height="16"                                     >Ancient papyrus shred x3

授予称号地平线断路器 Horizon Breaker

可重复的没有 No


Raises level cap to 55


Maat asks you to collect a Bomb Coal, an Exoray Mold, and a sheet of Ancient Papyrus. Trade them to him for your reward.

< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”> exoray模屑(爬虫的鸟巢):
<img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833"          alt="KeyItem"          class=""                  data-image-key="KeyItem.png"         data-image-name="KeyItem.png"                   width="16"           height="16"                                     >Exoray mold crumb (Crawler's Nest):
一块是位于在地图上在2 exorays(G10)。可以使用一种形式的潜在点击 ????没有仇恨的exorays。你必须要达到 无形????。
One piece is located amongst the Exorays on Map 2 at (G-10). It is possible to use a form of Sneak to click the ??? and not aggro the Exorays. You must have Invisible to reach the ???.

第二 ????上可以找到的路径(I-10)在图1和第三(I-6)地图3。再次,利用一种潜行避免仇恨从exorays路径上。
The second ??? can be found on the path from (I-10) on Map 1 and the third one (I-6) on map 3. Again, use a form of Sneak to avoid aggro from Exorays on the path.
你必须点击三 ????收到exoray模具。
YOU MUST CLICK ALL THREE ??? to receive the Exoray Mold.

< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>炸弹煤片段(garlaige城堡):
<img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833"          alt="KeyItem"          class=""                  data-image-key="KeyItem.png"         data-image-name="KeyItem.png"                   width="16"           height="16"                                     >Bomb coal fragment (Garlaige Citadel):
All the pieces can be obtained on Map 2 in Garlaige Citadel, using Sneak and Invisible to avoid aggro from monsters.

使用< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权的石头能过第一驱逐门袋。
Use a <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833"          alt="KeyItem"          class=""                  data-image-key="KeyItem.png"         data-image-name="KeyItem.png"                   width="16"           height="16"                                     >ouch of weighted stones to get past the first Banishing Gate.
的 ????位于(G-6),东南亚(H-7),和(I-8)。
The ??? are located at (G-6), southeast (H-7), and (I-8).

你必须点击三 ????接收炸弹煤。
YOU MUST CLICK ALL THREE ??? to receive the Bomb Coal.
Maat asks you to collect a Bomb Coal, an Exoray Mold, and a sheet of Ancient Papyrus. Trade them to him for your reward.

使用< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>加权的石头能过第一驱逐门袋。
Use a <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833"          alt="KeyItem"          class=""                  data-image-key="KeyItem.png"         data-image-name="KeyItem.png"                   width="16"           height="16"                                     >ouch of weighted stones to get past the first Banishing Gate.
< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>古老的莎草纸碎片(The Eldieme大墓地):
<img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833"          alt="KeyItem"          class=""                  data-image-key="KeyItem.png"         data-image-name="KeyItem.png"                   width="16"           height="16"                                     >Ancient papyrus shred (The Eldieme Necropolis):

The pieces are all located on Map 1 in the small rooms containing Braziers.
的 ????位于(H-9),(F-9)和(F-7)。
The ??? are located at (H-9), (F-9) and (F-7).

Circumspection from the Grounds Tome is an excellent method of obtaining these pieces.
你必须点击三 ????接受古老的莎草纸。
YOU MUST CLICK ALL THREE ??? to receive the Ancient Papyrus.


Explosures can be found at (I-8) past the first Banishing Gate.  This can be reached from Sauromugue Champaign (S) solo by going through the Cavernous Maw but you need to go through Garlaige Citadel (S) so you can reach the maw.

The drop rate on Bomb Coal is very high, although not 100%.  It is possible to get as many as four Bomb Coals from a single Explosure.

Exorays are located in the tunnel on the way to the donut room (third tunnel from the left after drop) starting at (I-10) on the 1st map.
It is strongly recommended for all mages, paladins, and /nin to bring echo drops to combat silence gas.  Tanks should keep exorays facing away from mages.

exorays产生,基于ICE的行动称为孢子,造成瘫痪,所以法师推荐子/ WHM。
Exorays have a potent, ice-based move called Spore that causes paralysis, so mages are recommended to sub /whm.

There are three places where you can find Lich. The first area is the best place but the hardest to get to.
Enter The Eldieme Necropolis from the (F-5) entrance in Batallia Downs.

This entrance can be reached by going through Beaucedine Glacier or by Lycopodium (NPC) porting.
Follow the paths downhill in Beaucedine Glacier and enter Batallia Downs at (H-11).

Enter The Eldieme Necropolis from the (I-10) entrance in Batallia Downs.
You can find Liches on the first level as you travel around although spawns are sparse.

这一领域是在 ????对于关键项目的产卵,所以如果你去那里,你最好关掉那些代替。您必须使用该密钥项的所有三个关键项目。
This same area is where the ???s for the key items spawn, so if you go there, you're better off clicking those instead. You must get all three key items to use this key item.
Hume Bones camp in The Eldieme Necropolis

Enter from the (I-10) entrance in Batallia Downs.
You will need 2 or more members of the party to control the plates that open doors.

At the first intersection at (J-8), go South.  Head to the gate room at (H-9). Y

