女孩在看玻璃[Girl in the Looking Glass] - Jeuno Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 107人看过
开始NPCLUTO mewrilah - Upper Jeuno(八国集团) Luto Mewrilah - Upper Jeuno (G-8)

可重复的是的 Yes

任务步骤跟LUTO在Upper Jeuno mewrilah(八国集团),谁问你找到罗拉娜的女儿,palometa,谁有金黄色的头发,穿着棕色的衣服和棕色的帽子。 Talk to Luto Mewrilah in Upper Jeuno (G-8), who asks you to find Laurana's daughter, Palometa, who has blonde hair and is wearing a brown dress and brown cap.

注意:你必须先完成后上市品质区。 Note: You must zone first after completing Unlisted Qualities.在Upper Jeuno bheem说(F-5),谁提到Eldieme大墓地。 Speak with Bheem in Upper Jeuno (F-5), who mentions Eldieme Necropolis.

从进入Eldieme大墓地(G-8)在batallia起伏。走下楼梯找到一个????在(F-9)。有可能是附近的人,将仇恨一个52级的角色,也会仇恨你的朋友在战斗中如果太近。最好是杀了人在你检查????。 Enter Eldieme Necropolis from (G-8) in Batallia Downs. Walk down the stairs to find a ??? at (F-9). There may be a Gazer nearby, which will aggro a level 52 character, and will also aggro your friend during the battle if it is too close. It's best to kill the Gazer before you examine the ???.检查????一个过场,滋生namorodo。在战斗中,你的朋友出现并协助你。 Examine the ??? for a cutscene that spawns Namorodo. During the battle, your friend appears and assists you.

After you and your friend defeat the NM, talk to your NPC friend. If you wait too long, your NPC friend will disappear anyway and you will have to fight Namorodo again.
回到LUTO mewrilah一幕。
Return to Luto Mewrilah for a cutscene.

Note: You must zone first after completing Unlisted Qualities.

If attempting this in a party, everybody has to fight their own Namorodo, but party members can join in the fight. Your NPC will still show up and fight, and you can still talk to them afterward.

If partying through this quest, try taking one Namorodo at a time, as multiple Namorodo can spell disaster, even for a party of 6.
只是为了澄清这;只有那些追求活跃,选择了 ????会产生多个namorodo。(我见过几个新球员表示这是在党的每个人都会有自己的regrardless。)如果2 5未完成的任务,选择 ????只有2 namorodo将产卵。
Just to clarify this; only those with the quest active that have selected the ??? will spawn multiple Namorodo. (I've seen several new players read this as everyone in the party will get their own regrardless.) If 2 of 5 have not done the Quest and select the ??? then only 2 Namorodo will spawn.

If NPC dies, you must zone before being able to pop Namorodo again.
这可以很容易的完成工作的最40 +。
This can be very easily soloed by most jobs 40+.

(see testimonials)

