第四部分的gobbiebag[The Gobbiebag Part IV] - Jeuno Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 101人看过
开始NPCbluffnix - Lower Jeuno(H-9) Bluffnix - Lower Jeuno (H-9)

要求Jeuno声誉2 Jeuno Reputation 2

所需物品金属陶瓷chunkdarksteel ingotsilk clothgosheniteorgoblin炖880 Cermet ChunkDarksteel IngotSilk ClothGosheniteorGoblin Stew 880

授予称号没有 None

可重复的没有 No


gobbiebag和MOG背包容量增加至50 slotsmog袋容量增加到50个(必须跟一个工匠明晶完成后)
Gobbiebag and Mog Satchel capacity increased to 50 slotsMog Sack capacity increased to 50 slots (must speak to an Artisan Moogle after completion)


Talk to Bluffnix to start the quest.

If you are unable to start the quest, verify your reputation through Mendi (H-8) across from Waag-Deeg's Magic Shop.
Trade the Cermet Chunk, Darksteel Ingot, Silk Cloth, and Goshenite to Bluffnix (these items can all be found on the Auction House and/or crafted).

You can also trade a Goblin Stew 880 instead of the four items to instantly complete the quest.
After trading the items, your Gobbiebag capacity increases by 5 slots to a new total of 50.

If you have a Mog Satchel, it is also upgraded immediately to the same maximum capacity.
If you have a Mog Sack, talk to an Artisan Moogle and ask for an upgrade after completing this quest to increase your Mog Sack capacity by 5 as well.

如果你还没有一个挎包和/或MOG MOG袋但你获得后,则会自动升级到你的gobbiebag最大的能力,所以不需要获得一个gobbiebag之前完成任务。
If you do not yet have a Mog Satchel and/or Mog Sack but you acquire one later, it is automatically upgraded to the maximum capacity of your Gobbiebag, so there is no need to acquire one before completing Gobbiebag quests.
You can also trade a Goblin Stew 880 instead of the four items to instantly complete the quest.

Talk to Bluffnix to start the quest.
If you are unable to start the quest, verify your reputation through Mendi (H-8) across from Waag-Deeg's Magic Shop.

Trade the Cermet Chunk, Darksteel Ingot, Silk Cloth, and Goshenite to Bluffnix (these items can all be found on the Auction House and/or crafted).
You can also trade a Goblin Stew 880 instead of the four items to instantly complete the quest.

After trading the items, your Gobbiebag capacity increases by 5 slots to a new total of 50.
If you have a Mog Satchel, it is also upgraded immediately to the same maximum capacity.

If you have a Mog Sack, talk to an Artisan Moogle and ask for an upgrade after completing this quest to increase your Mog Sack capacity by 5 as well.
如果你还没有一个挎包和/或MOG MOG袋但你获得后,则会自动升级到你的gobbiebag最大的能力,所以不需要获得一个gobbiebag之前完成任务。
If you do not yet have a Mog Satchel and/or Mog Sack but you acquire one later, it is automatically upgraded to the maximum capacity of your Gobbiebag, so there is no need to acquire one before completing Gobbiebag quests.

如果你还没有一个挎包和/或MOG MOG袋但你获得后,则会自动升级到你的gobbiebag最大的能力,所以不需要获得一个gobbiebag之前完成任务。
If you do not yet have a Mog Satchel and/or Mog Sack but you acquire one later, it is automatically upgraded to the maximum capacity of your Gobbiebag, so there is no need to acquire one before completing Gobbiebag quests.

