拯救我的儿子[Save My Son] - Jeuno Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 134人看过
开始NPCdietmund - Lower Jeuno G-11 Dietmund - Lower Jeuno G-11

要求等级30 + Level 30+

授予称号救生圈 Life Saver

可重复的没有 No

奖励2100 gilbeast哨 2100 gilBeast Whistle

Qufim Island
点击门,商人的房子,在G-11 Lower Jeuno(顶楼)的一幕。
Click on the door, Merchant's House, in Lower Jeuno at G-11 (on the top floor) for a cutscene.

可选:跟夏洛特在(G-7)在Upper Jeuno的陆行鸟的马厩。
Optional: Talk to Shalott at (G-7) in Upper Jeuno's Chocobo Stables.
Go to Qufim Island and follow a path down the cliff to (F-8). Be warned that a Kraken may spawn right on top of the flowers. If you are a low level, keep a safe distance until 21:45. Any time between 21:45 and dawn, use sneak to approach safely and click on the Night Flowers for a cutscene.

If attempting this quest at lower levels, it is beneficial to reach the path before 20:00 to avoid the Banshees that appear once night falls. A Goblin Bounty Hunter also runs down the path that leads to the Night Flowers and the Kraken, so be extra careful.
一个名叫atkorkamuy nm在这里滋生。它不是攻击性的,但它是一个高水平臭名昭著的怪物。
An NM named Atkorkamuy spawns here. It is not aggressive, but it is a high level Notorious Monster.

Note that the marker on the map is slightly east of where the actual walkway/flowers are.
You must go all the way down and around the pathway to the right of the blue marker on the map to find the "Night Flowers" at the very bottom/end of the path in a seaside cave.

动画完成后,回到Lower Jeuno点击dietmund的门再次(G-11)报答你。
After the cutscene, return to Lower Jeuno and click on Dietmund's door again (G-11) for your reward.
解锁兽王和标题的驯兽师,跟布鲁图斯在Upper Jeuno(G-7)后自称你这个任务奖励。看到了兽王的路径。
To unlock Beastmaster and the title Animal Trainer, talk to Brutus in Upper Jeuno (G-7) after claiming your reward for this quest. See Path of the Beastmaster.

点击门,商人的房子,在G-11 Lower Jeuno(顶楼)的一幕。
Click on the door, Merchant's House, in Lower Jeuno at G-11 (on the top floor) for a cutscene.
可选:跟夏洛特在(G-7)在Upper Jeuno的陆行鸟的马厩。
Optional: Talk to Shalott at (G-7) in Upper Jeuno's Chocobo Stables.

Go to Qufim Island and follow a path down the cliff to (F-8). Be warned that a Kraken may spawn right on top of the flowers. If you are a low level, keep a safe distance until 21:45. Any time between 21:45 and dawn, use sneak to approach safely and click on the Night Flowers for a cutscene.
If attempting this quest at lower levels, it is beneficial to reach the path before 20:00 to avoid the Banshees that appear once night falls. A Goblin Bounty Hunter also runs down the path that leads to the Night Flowers and the Kraken, so be extra careful.

一个名叫atkorkamuy nm在这里滋生。它不是攻击性的,但它是一个高水平臭名昭著的怪物。
An NM named Atkorkamuy spawns here. It is not aggressive, but it is a high level Notorious Monster.
Note that the marker on the map is slightly east of where the actual walkway/flowers are.

You must go all the way down and around the pathway to the right of the blue marker on the map to find the "Night Flowers" at the very bottom/end of the path in a seaside cave.
动画完成后,回到Lower Jeuno点击dietmund的门再次(G-11)报答你。
After the cutscene, return to Lower Jeuno and click on Dietmund's door again (G-11) for your reward.

解锁兽王和标题的驯兽师,跟布鲁图斯在Upper Jeuno(G-7)后自称你这个任务奖励。看到了兽王的路径。
To unlock Beastmaster and the title Animal Trainer, talk to Brutus in Upper Jeuno (G-7) after claiming your reward for this quest. See Path of the Beastmaster.
If attempting this quest at lower levels, it is beneficial to reach the path before 20:00 to avoid the Banshees that appear once night falls. A Goblin Bounty Hunter also runs down the path that leads to the Night Flowers and the Kraken, so be extra careful.

一个名叫atkorkamuy nm在这里滋生。它不是攻击性的,但它是一个高水平臭名昭著的怪物。
An NM named Atkorkamuy spawns here. It is not aggressive, but it is a high level Notorious Monster.

