拯救钟塔[Save the Clock Tower] - Jeuno Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 137人看过
开始NPC德里克- Lower Jeuno(H-7) Derrick - Lower Jeuno (H-7)

要求Jeuno声誉5 Jeuno Reputation 5

所需物品钟塔信访 Clock Tower Petition

授予称号钟塔的保护 Clock Tower Preservationist

可重复的没有 No


Talk to Derrick, who will give you the option to start a petition. When you agree, he gives you the Clock Tower Petition to take to other NPCs to sign.

There are 10 NPCs in total that you need to trade the petition to, who agree to sign it. They are in the following locations:
pitantimand端口Jeuno H-7(圣多利亚旅行社,到达出口)
Pitantimand - Port Jeuno H-7 (San d'Oria travel agency, arrivals exit)

zauko - Lower Jeuno I-6(灯杆旁边的喷泉)
Zauko - Lower Jeuno I-6 (Lightpost next to fountain)
teigero bangero - Lower Jeuno H-10(商人的房子)
Teigero-Bangero - Lower Jeuno H-10 (Merchant's House)

创联- Upper Jeuno g-9(医务室)
Souren - Upper Jeuno G-9 (Infirmary)
康斯坦斯- Upper Jeuno g-9(医务室)
Constance - Upper Jeuno G-9 (Infirmary)

monberaux - Upper Jeuno G-10(医务室)
Monberaux - Upper Jeuno G-10 (Infirmary)
博丹- Upper Jeuno八国集团(房子的步骤)
Baudin - Upper Jeuno G-8 (House steps)

尤伯- Upper Jeuno F-7(里面的大理石桥)
Zuber - Upper Jeuno F-7 (Inside Marble Bridge)
Collet - Upper Jeuno G-7 (Corner by the dancing troupe)

radeivepart - ru'lude花园H-9(喷泉圣多利亚,巴斯托克之间,与温德斯特大使馆)
Radeivepart - Ru'Lude Gardens H-9 (Fountain between the San d'Oria, Bastok, and Windurst embassies)
After you've traded the Clock Tower Petition to all the NPCs, take it back to Derrick, who will tell you that it seems unlikely that the clock tower will be torn down with that much support.

