血与荣耀[Blood and Glory] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 124人看过
开始NPC形象墙-温德斯特(Thalidomide) Shantotto - Windurst Walls (K-7)

要求230 +员工技能能够行使任何其他weaponskill追求积极的试验柱 230+ Staff Skill  Able to wield Pole of Trials  No other weaponskill quest active

可重复的没有 No

奖励惩戒武器技能 Retribution weapon skill

< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/a/ac/ifritscauldron6.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/70?CB = 20080123202356”alt=“ifritscauldron6”class=“thumbimage”数据图像关键=“ifritscauldron6。png图像数据名称=“ifritscauldron6。png”width=“70”height=“70”>路线IV <img srcurl="http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/a/ac/IfritsCauldron6.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/70?cb=20080123202356"          alt="IfritsCauldron6"          class="thumbimage "                  data-image-key="IfritsCauldron6.png"         data-image-name="IfritsCauldron6.png"                   width="70"           height="70"                                     >                                                                                      Route IV跟在温德斯特形象墙(Thalidomide)谁会给你试验和武器训练指导极点(重点项目)。 Talk to Shantotto in Windurst Walls (K-7) who will give you the Pole of Trials and the Weapon Training Guide (key item).

Use the Pole of Trials until the latent effect disappears.
How to remove the latent effect:

You must perform Weapon Skills and Skillchains on monsters that con Easy Prey or higher.
Weapon Skills performed while under Level Sync will count.

你收到一个weaponskill开独奏1点,关闭LV 2点。1 skillchain,关闭LV 3点。2 skillchain。
You receive 1 point for opening/soloing a weaponskill, 2 points for closing a Lv.1 Skillchain, 3 points for closing a Lv.2 Skillchain.
You cannot create any Lv.3 chains at this point using a staff, unless you have first unlocked Garland of Bliss (SMN), Vidohunir (BLM), or Omniscience (SCH).

You must accumulate 300 total points.
You will not earn Weapon Skill Points into unlocking the weapon by participating in Campaign Battles, Besieged, or any other situation where monsters do not directly give experience points.

Once you no longer receive the latent effect bonus, head back to Windurst Walls and trade the Pole of Trials back to Shantotto, who will take the weapon from you and give you a Map to the Annals of Truth (key item) and tell you to head to Ifrit's Cauldron.
Take the East entrance of Ifrit's Cauldron.

Make a right at the first junction, head past the first Flame Spout, straight through the cave and follow the path around the crater to the drop point at (I-7)/(I-8).
Enter the cave immediately to your left. Sneak and Invis will be needed the entire time.

Follow the path until you reach a large room with Bombs, Bats, and Ash Lizards at (H-7).
以下地图:路线我—>路由II下降P >路线三米>路线四-(H-7)/(I-7)
Following the maps: Route I - A -> Route II - Drop P -> Route III - M -> Route IV - (H-7)/(I-7)

Recommend you bring an Ice Cluster along since there is one Flame Spout to in the way; all party members should simultaneously get past the Flame Spout.  Trade Ice Clusters to a Flame Spout to temporarily extinguish it.  This will speed up your travel.
Two (2) ???s will be in this room. The one in the middle of the lava bridge will spawn the Skeleton named Cailleach Bheur. (Testimonials)

A good place for the fight is at the far tunnel, past the 2 ???s. Clear the 2 bats and the bomb if necessary, then pull to the tunnel. You have 5 minutes from each ToD before the enemies start to re-spawn.
Once Cailleach Bheur has been defeated, re-examine the ??? to obtain the Annals of Truth (key item).

Return to Shantotto for your reward and to complete the quest.

