痈溃[Carbuncle Debacle] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 100人看过
开始NPC红宝石-温德斯特墙,(4) Carbuncle - Windurst Walls, (G-4)

要求召唤50级+ Summoner Level 50+

所需物品闪电pendulumwind摆 Lightning PendulumWind Pendulum

授予称号召唤师的卓越典范 Paragon of Summoner Excellence

可重复的是的,看到vingijard AF完成后 Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete


Evoker's Horn


Head to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and hear Carbuncle's cry for help.

You must have SMN set as your main job to trigger the cutscene with Carbuncle.
You must zone if you do this straight after your previous AF quest or any quest involving Carbuncle.

Next go and speak to Koru-Moru at (E-7) (His reference to a Rhinostery Researcher is to Ripapa).
Head to Mhaura and speak to Ripapa at (I-9) to get the Lightning Pendulum.

Note: if you have started Trial by Lightning, you might have to finish it first before you can get the Lightning Pendulum.
Go to The Boyahda Tree, walk to the Cloister of Storms, and trade the Lightning Pendulum to the Lightning Protocrystal and enter the battlefield.

Buff outside as they do NOT wear upon entering.
You can use the Mini Tuning Fork of Lightning to teleport there if you go as SMN and did not defeat Ramuh using that fork.

的boyahda树该# 1在外面风暴的回廊。
The Boyahda Tree Homepoint #1 is outside the Cloister of Storms.
Defeat the two weapons, Lightning Gremlin (WAR) and Thunder Gremlin (RDM).

Head to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and hear Carbuncle's cry for help.
Note: if you have started Trial by Lightning, you might have to finish it first before you can get the Lightning Pendulum.

Head to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and hear Carbuncle's cry for help.
Buff outside as they do NOT wear upon entering.

You can use the Mini Tuning Fork of Lightning to teleport there if you go as SMN and did not defeat Ramuh using that fork.
的boyahda树该# 1在外面风暴的回廊。
The Boyahda Tree Homepoint #1 is outside the Cloister of Storms.

Head to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and hear Carbuncle's cry for help.
的boyahda树该# 1在外面风暴的回廊。
The Boyahda Tree Homepoint #1 is outside the Cloister of Storms.

雷电小鬼的攻击偶尔(~ 60%)有排水TP的附加效果。
The Lightning Gremlin's attacks occasionally (~60%) have the additional effect of draining TP.
雷霆小鬼的攻击偶尔(~ 60%)有排水MP的附加效果。雷霆小鬼的法术可以覆盖这个效果在。
The Thunder Gremlin's attacks occasionally (~60%) have the additional effect of draining MP.  The Thunder Gremlin's En-spells can overwrite this effect.

Both Gremlins will resist Sleep and Repose, but not Bind.
他们可以打很硬,和排水1,40的MP / TP。石肤吸收伤害但不漏的影响。建议眨眼的坦克。
They can hit very hard, and drain 1~40 MP/TP per hit. Stoneskin will absorb the damage but not the drain effect. Blink tanking is suggested.

The Lightning Gremlin (war) has roughly twice as much HP as the Thunder Gremlin (rdm) and hits much harder.
See Testimonials for more info.

Go back and speak to Koru-Moru. He will give you the key item Daze-Breaker Charm.
现在去rabao跟agado pugado在(g-9),谁会给你风摆。
Now go to Rabao and talk to Agado-Pugado at (G-9), who will give you the Wind Pendulum.

Head for Cape Teriggan, walk to the Cloister of Gales, and trade the Wind Pendulum to the Wind Protocrystal and enter the battlefield.
Buff outside as they do NOT wear upon entering.

You can use the Mini Tuning Fork of Wind to teleport there if you go as SMN and did not defeat Garuda using that fork.
普teriggan该# 1在外面大风的回廊。
Cape Teriggan Homepoint #1 is outside the Cloister of Gales.

Defeat the manticore Ogmios.
Head to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and hear Carbuncle's cry for help.

Buff outside as they do NOT wear upon entering.
You can use the Mini Tuning Fork of Wind to teleport there if you go as SMN and did not defeat Garuda using that fork.

普teriggan该# 1在外面大风的回廊。
Cape Teriggan Homepoint #1 is outside the Cloister of Gales.
Head to the House of the Hero in Windurst Walls and hear Carbuncle's cry for help.

普teriggan该# 1在外面大风的回廊。
Cape Teriggan Homepoint #1 is outside the Cloister of Gales.
Ogmios casts Silencega and Dispelga during the battle, so participants should bring Echo Drops.

它是高度推荐的法师留下来避免他的AOE TP的攻击,特别是谜。
It's highly recommended mages stay back to avoid his AoE TP attacks, particularly Riddle.
See Testimonials for more info.

Return to Windurst Walls, and talk to Koru-Moru for a final cutscene and to receive the Evoker's Horn.
The Lightning Pendulum and Wind Pendulum can be tossed after you have completed the fights.

NOTE If more than one person in the party is on this mission, there is no need to repeat the battles, as long as you do all the CS before each one, then you only need to win each fight once.

