我能听到彩虹[I Can Hear a Rainbow] - Windurst Quest
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 158人看过
开始NPC :的英雄-温德斯特墙的房子(3) House of the Hero - Windurst Walls (G-3)
要求 :等级30 + Level 30+
所需物品 :红宝石红宝石 Carbuncle's Ruby
授予称号 :编织彩虹 Rainbow Weaver
可重复的 :没有 No
The Summoner jobThe avatar Carbuncle
Obtain Carbuncle's Ruby.
This is a Rare/Exclusive item that may be obtained from nearly any type of Leech-type mob, though drop rate is incredibly low overall.
The drop rate can be improved if you have Thief main/support job, with Treasure Hunter job trait active.
在你的库存的红宝石,去英雄的家(G-3)在温德斯特墙(快带回家点# 1经,如果你没有这个然后退出温度斯特的水域,东/北)。检查门前的一幕,你会被要求找到“七色”。
With the Ruby in your inventory, go to the House of the Hero at (G-3) in Windurst Walls (fastest to take Home Point #1 warp, if you don't have this then exit Windurst Waters and go East/North). Check the front door for a cutscene, where you will be asked to find "the seven colors".
The "seven colors" that are required correspond to the colors of a rainbow. They are obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area while one of six weather effects is active—the seventh is obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area with no weather effect at all.
To clarify: "Outdoor" means that you may not zone into a cave or dungeon area to obtain a color.
To clarify: "Enemy-Populated" means that you may not zone into a town or city to obtain a color.
Cannot obtain weather effects by having Scholar cast them on you.
Cannot obtain weather effects from Wings of the Goddess zones.
你也可以养痈的红宝石在MOG MOG挎包袋或仍为天气出现动画和信用,而不是在你的MOG的案例。
You may also keep the Carbuncle's Ruby in your Mog Sack or Mog Satchel and still receive the cutscene and credit for the weather, but not in your Mog Case.
Zoning into an area with the above requirements (that you have not yet obtained) and with the ruby in your inventory (Mog Satchel and Mog Sack as well, but not in your Mog Case) triggers a short cutscene upon entering the area, where Carbuncle will remark on the color of light that you have found. You will not see the same cutscene again.
This can be done by logging out and back into the zone.
This can be done while riding a chocobo.
This can be done by using an outpost teleport into the zone.
This can be done by teleporting into the zone (Teleport-Dem, etc).
You can zone into an area under Monstrosity and still receive the weather cutscene and credit. See Odyssean Passage for a list of applicale areas.
Weather Checker NPCs in each town or city can help predict when and where the weather you will be looking for will be in effect. Bear in mind, however, that these Weather Checkers are not completely accurate; some weather effects may occur on days they are not forecasted, and vice-versa.
这可以用红玉的红宝石在你的背包或袋子MOG MOG MOG的案例,但不是在你的。
This can be done with the Carbuncle's Ruby inside your Mog Satchel or Mog Sack, but not in your Mog Case.
After receiving the cutscene to start the quest, the weathers can be obtained on jobs lower than level 30.
Locations of areas meeting the requirements for Carbuncle's "colors of light" are as follows:
To clarify: "Outdoor" means that you may not zone into a cave or dungeon area to obtain a color.
To clarify: "Enemy-Populated" means that you may not zone into a town or city to obtain a color.
Cannot obtain weather effects by having Scholar cast them on you.
Cannot obtain weather effects from Wings of the Goddess zones.
你也可以养痈的红宝石在MOG MOG挎包袋或仍为天气出现动画和信用,而不是在你的MOG的案例。
You may also keep the Carbuncle's Ruby in your Mog Sack or Mog Satchel and still receive the cutscene and credit for the weather, but not in your Mog Case.
Obtain Carbuncle's Ruby.
This is a Rare/Exclusive item that may be obtained from nearly any type of Leech-type mob, though drop rate is incredibly low overall.
The drop rate can be improved if you have Thief main/support job, with Treasure Hunter job trait active.
在你的库存的红宝石,去英雄的家(G-3)在温德斯特墙(快带回家点# 1经,如果你没有这个然后退出温度斯特的水域,东/北)。检查门前的一幕,你会被要求找到“七色”。
With the Ruby in your inventory, go to the House of the Hero at (G-3) in Windurst Walls (fastest to take Home Point #1 warp, if you don't have this then exit Windurst Waters and go East/North). Check the front door for a cutscene, where you will be asked to find "the seven colors".
The "seven colors" that are required correspond to the colors of a rainbow. They are obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area while one of six weather effects is active—the seventh is obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area with no weather effect at all.
To clarify: "Outdoor" means that you may not zone into a cave or dungeon area to obtain a color.
To clarify: "Enemy-Populated" means that you may not zone into a town or city to obtain a color.
Cannot obtain weather effects by having Scholar cast them on you.
Cannot obtain weather effects from Wings of the Goddess zones.
你也可以养痈的红宝石在MOG MOG挎包袋或仍为天气出现动画和信用,而不是在你的MOG的案例。
You may also keep the Carbuncle's Ruby in your Mog Sack or Mog Satchel and still receive the cutscene and credit for the weather, but not in your Mog Case.
Zoning into an area with the above requirements (that you have not yet obtained) and with the ruby in your inventory (Mog Satchel and Mog Sack as well, but not in your Mog Case) triggers a short cutscene upon entering the area, where Carbuncle will remark on the color of light that you have found. You
要求 :等级30 + Level 30+
所需物品 :红宝石红宝石 Carbuncle's Ruby
授予称号 :编织彩虹 Rainbow Weaver
可重复的 :没有 No
The Summoner jobThe avatar Carbuncle
Obtain Carbuncle's Ruby.
This is a Rare/Exclusive item that may be obtained from nearly any type of Leech-type mob, though drop rate is incredibly low overall.
The drop rate can be improved if you have Thief main/support job, with Treasure Hunter job trait active.
在你的库存的红宝石,去英雄的家(G-3)在温德斯特墙(快带回家点# 1经,如果你没有这个然后退出温度斯特的水域,东/北)。检查门前的一幕,你会被要求找到“七色”。
With the Ruby in your inventory, go to the House of the Hero at (G-3) in Windurst Walls (fastest to take Home Point #1 warp, if you don't have this then exit Windurst Waters and go East/North). Check the front door for a cutscene, where you will be asked to find "the seven colors".
The "seven colors" that are required correspond to the colors of a rainbow. They are obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area while one of six weather effects is active—the seventh is obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area with no weather effect at all.
To clarify: "Outdoor" means that you may not zone into a cave or dungeon area to obtain a color.
To clarify: "Enemy-Populated" means that you may not zone into a town or city to obtain a color.
Cannot obtain weather effects by having Scholar cast them on you.
Cannot obtain weather effects from Wings of the Goddess zones.
你也可以养痈的红宝石在MOG MOG挎包袋或仍为天气出现动画和信用,而不是在你的MOG的案例。
You may also keep the Carbuncle's Ruby in your Mog Sack or Mog Satchel and still receive the cutscene and credit for the weather, but not in your Mog Case.
Zoning into an area with the above requirements (that you have not yet obtained) and with the ruby in your inventory (Mog Satchel and Mog Sack as well, but not in your Mog Case) triggers a short cutscene upon entering the area, where Carbuncle will remark on the color of light that you have found. You will not see the same cutscene again.
This can be done by logging out and back into the zone.
This can be done while riding a chocobo.
This can be done by using an outpost teleport into the zone.
This can be done by teleporting into the zone (Teleport-Dem, etc).
You can zone into an area under Monstrosity and still receive the weather cutscene and credit. See Odyssean Passage for a list of applicale areas.
Weather Checker NPCs in each town or city can help predict when and where the weather you will be looking for will be in effect. Bear in mind, however, that these Weather Checkers are not completely accurate; some weather effects may occur on days they are not forecasted, and vice-versa.
这可以用红玉的红宝石在你的背包或袋子MOG MOG MOG的案例,但不是在你的。
This can be done with the Carbuncle's Ruby inside your Mog Satchel or Mog Sack, but not in your Mog Case.
After receiving the cutscene to start the quest, the weathers can be obtained on jobs lower than level 30.
Locations of areas meeting the requirements for Carbuncle's "colors of light" are as follows:
To clarify: "Outdoor" means that you may not zone into a cave or dungeon area to obtain a color.
To clarify: "Enemy-Populated" means that you may not zone into a town or city to obtain a color.
Cannot obtain weather effects by having Scholar cast them on you.
Cannot obtain weather effects from Wings of the Goddess zones.
你也可以养痈的红宝石在MOG MOG挎包袋或仍为天气出现动画和信用,而不是在你的MOG的案例。
You may also keep the Carbuncle's Ruby in your Mog Sack or Mog Satchel and still receive the cutscene and credit for the weather, but not in your Mog Case.
Obtain Carbuncle's Ruby.
This is a Rare/Exclusive item that may be obtained from nearly any type of Leech-type mob, though drop rate is incredibly low overall.
The drop rate can be improved if you have Thief main/support job, with Treasure Hunter job trait active.
在你的库存的红宝石,去英雄的家(G-3)在温德斯特墙(快带回家点# 1经,如果你没有这个然后退出温度斯特的水域,东/北)。检查门前的一幕,你会被要求找到“七色”。
With the Ruby in your inventory, go to the House of the Hero at (G-3) in Windurst Walls (fastest to take Home Point #1 warp, if you don't have this then exit Windurst Waters and go East/North). Check the front door for a cutscene, where you will be asked to find "the seven colors".
The "seven colors" that are required correspond to the colors of a rainbow. They are obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area while one of six weather effects is active—the seventh is obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area with no weather effect at all.
To clarify: "Outdoor" means that you may not zone into a cave or dungeon area to obtain a color.
To clarify: "Enemy-Populated" means that you may not zone into a town or city to obtain a color.
Cannot obtain weather effects by having Scholar cast them on you.
Cannot obtain weather effects from Wings of the Goddess zones.
你也可以养痈的红宝石在MOG MOG挎包袋或仍为天气出现动画和信用,而不是在你的MOG的案例。
You may also keep the Carbuncle's Ruby in your Mog Sack or Mog Satchel and still receive the cutscene and credit for the weather, but not in your Mog Case.
Zoning into an area with the above requirements (that you have not yet obtained) and with the ruby in your inventory (Mog Satchel and Mog Sack as well, but not in your Mog Case) triggers a short cutscene upon entering the area, where Carbuncle will remark on the color of light that you have found. You