罪的追捕[Sin Hunting] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 134人看过
开始NPC近日点vashai -温德斯特森林(Thalidomide) Perih Vashai - Windurst Woods (K-7)

要求游骑兵40级 Ranger Level 40+

所需物品chieftainness的twinstone earringglittersandperchond的信封 Chieftainness's Twinstone EarringGlittersandPerchond's Envelope

可重复的完成后自动对焦 After completing AF only

奖励狙击弓 Sniping Bow


跟近日点vashai(温度斯特林K-7)作为一个40级以上的游侠和她给你chieftainness的twinstone耳环,告诉你在ranguemont通过女巫守卫Semih lafihna说,这是在东ronfaure近圣多利亚的东北角。
Talk to Perih Vashai (Windurst Woods K-7) as a level 40+ Ranger and she gives you the Chieftainness's Twinstone Earring and tells you to speak with the Sibyl Guard Semih Lafihna in Ranguemont Pass, which is at the northeast corner of East Ronfaure near San d'Oria.

如果你是71 + 250 +射箭技能,从幼树生长优先任务为第一任务,她会给你。不管你什么事都不做,她就把它做了,然后再跟她说一次“赎罪”。[你可能要去开发区]
If you are 71+ with 250+ Archery skill, the quest From Saplings Grow takes priority as the 1st quest she will give you. However trade her the bow after you get it do nothing, then talk to her again to start "Sin hunting". [You might have to zone]
From this point on, you no longer have to be a Ranger. You can use any job for the rest of quest.

In Ranguemont Pass, proceed north until you reach the granite door and talk to Perchond (F-10).
After a cutscene, have Myffore open the door and head through.

After going through the door, take the first right; then hug the left wall until you reach the Evil Weapons at (E-5). Kill these for the Glittersand.
虽然邪恶的武器不强大,有80级的怪物~ 90 +去池塘的路上,所以用一种潜在的和看不见的,如谨慎为由我在(八国集团)。
Although the Evil Weapons are not that powerful, there are monsters level 80~90+ on the way to the pond, so use a form of Sneak and Invisible, such as Circumspection from the Grounds Tome at (G-8).

收益和贸易glittersand到perchond接受<< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”> perchond的信封。
Return and trade the Glittersand to Perchond to receive <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833"          alt="KeyItem"          class=""                  data-image-key="KeyItem.png"         data-image-name="KeyItem.png"                   width="16"           height="16"                                     >erchond's Envelope.
头跟亚历克修斯Jugner Forest(I-6),在附近的大型湖泊,谁告诉你要检查吗????只是西南河对岸的一棵树(H-6)。
Head to Jugner Forest and talk to Alexius at (I-6), near the large lake, who tells you to inspect the ??? just southwest across the river on a tree at (H-6).

Check the ??? for a cutscene.
截至2014年6月17日版本更新,月亮阶段不再适用于这一部分的探索[ 1 ]
As  of the June 17, 2014 version update, the moon phase no longer applies to this part of the quest.[1]

Return to Perih Vashai for your reward.
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如果你是71 + 250 +射箭技能,从幼树生长优先任务为第一任务,她会给你。不管你什么事都不做,她就把它做了,然后再跟她说一次“赎罪”。[你可能要去开发区]
If you are 71+ with 250+ Archery skill, the quest From Saplings Grow takes priority as the 1st quest she will give you. However trade her the bow after you get it do nothing, then talk to her again to start "Sin hunting". [You might have to zone]
From this point on, you no longer have to be a Ranger. You can use any job for the rest of quest.


虽然邪恶的武器不强大,有80级的怪物~ 90 +去池塘的路上,所以用一种潜在的和看不见的,如谨慎为由我在(八国集团)。
Although the Evil Weapons are not that powerful, there are monsters level 80~90+ on the way to the pond, so use a form of Sneak and Invisible, such as Circumspection from the Grounds Tome at (G-8).

