回忆[Recollections] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 107人看过
开始NPCchumimi -天堂的塔 Chumimi - Heavens Tower

要求黑法师等级:50 + Black Mage Level: 50+

所需物品袋seedswhine窖keyfoe Finder标记我 Bag of SeedsWhine Cellar KeyFoe Finder Mark I

可重复的是的,通过擦除记忆。 Yes, by erasing AF memory.

奖励巫师的木鞋 Wizard's Sabots


As a level 50+ Black Mage, head to Heavens Tower in Windurst Walls and talk to Chumimi in the basement.

Zoning out of the tower is required after finishing the previous quest.
After this step, you no longer have to be a Black Mage for this quest.

(Optional) Travel to Ru'Lude Gardens and talk to Laityn at (G-9) to get another cutscene.
Travel to Crawlers' Nest and kill a Water Elemental or Fire Elemental to obtain a Bag of Seeds.

These can be found in the basement (labeled "B" on map) "ring" area inside of a smaller cave located in the center of the room.
The monsters check as Decent Challenges to level 99 in the basement, but they are not aggressive.

The elementals can also be found on E-8 of map 8 that check "Too Weak" at 95.
To avoid wasting time, use the Weather Reporter NPCs to find out when there will be weather in Rolanberry Fields (the fields share weather with Crawler's Nest).

After you obtain the Bag of Seeds, go back to Heavens Tower in Windurst Walls and give it to Chumimi.
Next, go to Castle Zvahl Baileys and kill Demon Commanders, Demon Generals, Demon Magistrates, or Demon Chancellors until one of them drops a Whine Cellar Key.

Bring the key to Castle Zvahl Keep.
分区后,进入城堡Zvahl百利(查阅方便导航地图),向西移动,在八国集团的4路交叉口;头南从这里,下来,你很快就会走到楼梯,然后到第二地图通过E / F-8边境。
Upon zoning into Castle Zvahl Baileys (consult the map for ease of navigation), move westward to the 4-way intersection at G-8; head south from here, down the stairs that you will soon come to, and then on to the second map through the border of E/F-8.

在图2中,南迁到I-9底部,发现一群半兽人,然后去了这里的楼梯;西迁g-9(yagudo)和回去的楼梯,小心不要沿途的圆形突出部脱落;从楼梯向东左转,当你到达一个门,再左转。下一个路口右转,去另一个短的楼梯出现在你右边的G / H-8边境上;从那里搬西带到城堡Zvahl保持。
On Map 2, move south to the bottom of I-9, finding a group of Orcs, then go up the stairs here; move west to G-9 (Yagudo) and go back down the stairs there, being careful to not fall off the circular ledges along the way; turn left from the staircase heading east, when you reach a gate, turn left again. Take the next right turn and make your way to another short stairway appearing on your right at the border of G/H-8 and go up; from there move west to zone into Castle Zvahl Keep.
Upon entering Castle Zvahl Keep, follow the right wall and enter the first Iron Bar Gate to the north.

Bear right and trade the key to the locked Ore Door on the left, before the next iron bar gate.
After the cutscene, return to Chumimi in Heavens Tower in Windurst Walls for your reward.

Game Description
Zoning out of the tower is required after finishing the previous quest.

After this step, you no longer have to be a Black Mage for this quest.
Game Description

These can be found in the basement (labeled "B" on map) "ring" area inside of a smaller cave located in the center of the room.
The monsters check as Decent Challenges to level 99 in the basement, but they are not aggressive.

The elementals can also be found on E-8 of map 8 that check "Too Weak" at 95.
To avoid wasting time, use the Weather Reporter NPCs to find out when there will be weather in Rolanberry Fields (the fields share weather with Crawler's Nest).

