所有新C-3000[The All-New C-3000] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 106人看过
开始NPCkopuro popuro -温德斯特森林(-10) Kopuro-Popuro - Windurst Woods (H-10)

要求温德斯特声誉4 Windurst Reputation 4

所需物品甲虫shellhecteyes眼 Beetle ShellHecteyes Eye

可重复的是的 Yes

奖励600g 600g


If you have just completed Legendary Plan B, zone before attempting to start this quest.

If you have the Jeuno quest The Kind Cardian open, you may not be able to flag this quest.
kopuro popuro已经创造了一个新的魔人,受命于战利品巡逻返回类型。教魔人什么应该带回来,你要找到一个甲虫壳和hecteyes眼。
Kopuro-Popuro has created a new type of Cardian that has been instructed to return from patrols with the spoils of battle. To teach the Cardian what it should bring back, you have been asked to find a Beetle Shell and Hecteyes Eye.

You can either buy the items in the Auction House or get them yourself.
一方面kopuro popuro每获得600吉尔总。
Hand Kopuro-Popuro one of each to receive 600 gil total.

