所有新的C-2000[The All-New C-2000] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 79人看过
开始NPCkopuro popuro南manustery -温德斯特森林(-10) Kopuro-Popuro - South Manustery - Windurst Woods (H-10)

要求温德斯特声誉1 Windurst Reputation 1

所需物品兔hidetwo叶曼陀罗budinsect翼 Rabbit HideTwo-Leaf Mandragora BudInsect Wing

授予称号魔人的导师 Cardian Tutor

可重复的没有 No




kopuro popuro需要你给他一些东西来帮助他建立一个新的魔人。
Kopuro-Popuro needs you to bring him some things to help him create a new Cardian.

He needs a Rabbit Hide, a Two-Leaf Mandragora Bud and an Insect Wing.
These all drop just outside of town, from Savanna Rarabs, Tiny Mandragoras, and Bumblebees respectively.

注意:如果你追求那种Lower Jeuno魔人激活,没有把十杯(卡)来apururu,你将无法激活这个任务。交易后十杯(卡)来apururu,然后你就可以开始这个任务。
Note: If you have Lower Jeuno quest The Kind Cardian activated and have not turned in the Ten of Cups (Card) to Apururu, you will not be able to activate this quest. After trading Ten of Cups (Card) to Apururu, you will then be able to begin this quest.
Note: This quest is repeatable even after completing the quests A Greeting Cardian and Legendary Plan B that follow this one (unknown if it is offered after completing The All-New C-3000)

kopuro popuro需要你给他一些东西来帮助他建立一个新的魔人。
Kopuro-Popuro needs you to bring him some things to help him create a new Cardian.
He needs a Rabbit Hide, a Two-Leaf Mandragora Bud and an Insect Wing.

These all drop just outside of town, from Savanna Rarabs, Tiny Mandragoras, and Bumblebees respectively.
注意:如果你追求那种Lower Jeuno魔人激活,没有把十杯(卡)来apururu,你将无法激活这个任务。交易后十杯(卡)来apururu,然后你就可以开始这个任务。
Note: If you have Lower Jeuno quest The Kind Cardian activated and have not turned in the Ten of Cups (Card) to Apururu, you will not be able to activate this quest. After trading Ten of Cups (Card) to Apururu, you will then be able to begin this quest.

Note: This quest is repeatable even after completing the quests A Greeting Cardian and Legendary Plan B that follow this one (unknown if it is offered after completing The All-New C-3000)
注意:如果你追求那种Lower Jeuno魔人激活,没有把十杯(卡)来apururu,你将无法激活这个任务。交易后十杯(卡)来apururu,然后你就可以开始这个任务。
Note: If you have Lower Jeuno quest The Kind Cardian activated and have not turned in the Ten of Cups (Card) to Apururu, you will not be able to activate this quest. After trading Ten of Cups (Card) to Apururu, you will then be able to begin this quest.

Note: This quest is repeatable even after completing the quests A Greeting Cardian and Legendary Plan B that follow this one (unknown if it is offered after completing The All-New C-3000)

