可疑的东西[Something Fishy] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 108人看过
开始NPCtokaka端口温度斯特(C-8) Tokaka - Port Windurst (C-8)

要求温德斯特声誉1 Windurst Reputation 1

所需物品bastore沙丁鱼 Bastore Sardine

可重复的是的(你必须重复) Yes (You must zone to repeat)

奖励70吉尔 70 Gil


Tokaka, in the fisherman's guild, will pay you 70 Gil for each Bastore Sardine you bring her.

You must leave the zone and come back to restart the quest each time. You also have to talk to her before you make each trade.
You may only trade one Bastore Sardine at a time.

注意:如果你可以扭曲,你家点的orastery F-7,东。每一次交易后,再重复一次。
Note:  If you can Warp, set your Home Point at F-7, East of the Orastery.  Simply Warp after each trade and repeat.
Note concerning ^Note: If you don't want to set your Home Point, use the warp Taru on top of the Orastery to warp you to Windurst Walls, and the corresponding one there to warp you back.

从0 - 9(英雄)的名声,你需要交易的20层bastore沙丁油鱼。
To get from 0 - 9 (hero) fame, you need to trade 20 stacks of Bastore Sardines.

