蜜蜂还是不蜜蜂?[To Bee or Not to Bee?] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 127人看过
开始NPCraamimi -温德斯特墙(F-7) Raamimi - Windurst Walls (F-7)

要求温德斯特声誉2 Windurst Reputation 2

所需物品亲爱的X4 Honey x4

可重复的没有 No

奖励穆尔苏姆x 3 Mulsum x 3


zayhi bauhi需要他的声音,亲爱的。
Zayhi-Bauhi needs honey for his voice.

如果zayhi bauhi给他的演讲卡鲁帕没有咳嗽,说话tawalupa和rutango botango,他的听众,激活任务。
If Zayhi-Bauhi gives his speech fine without coughing, speak to Kalupa-Tawalupa and Rutango-Botango, his audience, to activate the quest.
Talk to Raamimi and she will give you some honey.

贸易的蜂蜜zayhi bauhi,这似乎帮助,然后跟他周围的NPC。
Trade the honey to Zayhi-Bauhi, which seems to help, and then talk to the NPCs around him.
再有4罐蜂蜜贸易他们zayhi bauhi一次。
Get 4 more pots of honey and trade them to Zayhi-Bauhi one at a time.

Then go back to Raamimi to receive your reward of three Mulsum.

