蓝色色带蓝色[Blue Ribbon Blues] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 128人看过
开始NPCkerutoto -温德斯特水域南部 Kerutoto - Windurst Waters South J-8

要求温德斯特声誉5 Windurst Reputation 5

所需物品紫丝带 Purple Ribbon

授予称号妖消除(nm标题)小鬼巴斯特 Lich Banisher (NM title)Ghostie Buster

可重复的没有 No


3600 gilblue丝带
3,600 GilBlue Ribbon

As usual, you will have to zone after completing the previous Rhinostery quest.
Speak to Kerutoto who says that if you find a suspicious item, you should bring it to her.

If you are eligible for the quest Waking Dreams, you cannot begin Blue Ribbon Blues until you have accepted the challenge of Diabolos. Defeating Diabolos is not necessary to start this quest; however, you may need to talk to Kerutoto twice in order to do so.
Talk to Roberta at Nchaa's Good Goods in Windurst Woods (H-13) and receive a Purple Ribbon.

Trade the Purple Ribbon to Kerutoto in the Rhinostery in Windurst Waters (South), who will give you 3600 gil for it and tells you she will investigate it.
After 24 game hours (as of update, there is no longer any waiting time, it is instant, just talk to Kerutoto again after zoning), Kerutoto gives you the Purple Ribbon back and provides some additional guidance.

Travel to The Eldieme Necropolis from Batallia Downs at (J-10)
You will need the key item Magicked astrolabe to open the gate by yourself.  If you do not have this item, it takes more than one person to activate the lever to open Odin's Gate in order to reach the Hume Bones.

Upon entering the dungeon go straight until you come to a T intersection at (J-8) and take a left.
At the intersection at (I-9) one person goes right to the gate lever (H-8) and another goes left to Shiva's Gate at (H-8).

Once inside Shiva's Gate, the person at the lever has to activate it again to open Levathian's Gate (to keep heading west).
Keep heading west until Titan's Gate (to the north) at (G-8)

There is a second lever inside Titan's Gate to allow the 2nd person to come through too.
Go north to a square area in the floor where you can drop down to the second map. (G-8)

去东方贸易的紫色丝带休姆骨头(M-10),这将产生妖C Magnus nm。
Go east and trade the Purple Ribbon to the Hume Bones at (M-10), which will spawn the Lich C Magnus NM.
Each quest member needs to trade their Purple Ribbon, kill the NM, and receive a Blue Ribbon.

Check the Hume Bones after the NM has been defeated for a Blue Ribbon.
If for some reason you are unable to obtain the Blue Ribbon and zone, you will need to start the quest over.  Talk to Kerutoto and Roberta will give you the Purple Ribbon back again.  You will need to bring it to Kerutoto to examine, then zone and talk to her again to get it back in order to do the fight.

Return to Kerutoto to complete the quest.

You will need the key item Magicked astrolabe to open the gate by yourself.  If you do not have this item, it takes more than one person to activate the lever to open Odin's Gate in order to reach the Hume Bones.
The Eldieme Necropolis

Each quest member needs to trade their Purple Ribbon, kill the NM, and receive a Blue Ribbon.

