水的路要走[Water Way to Go] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 95人看过
开始NPCohbiru dohbiru -温德斯特海域(南)9 Ohbiru-Dohbiru - Windurst Waters (South) J-9

要求温德斯特声誉3 Windurst Reputation 3

可重复的是的 Yes

奖励900g 900g

你必须在完成前一任务后改变区域。 You must change areas after completing the previous quest.如果你触发了花,你必须完成它第一次(即使它不出现在你的日志)。 If you have triggered Say It with Flowers, you must complete it first (even if it does not appear in your log).

ohbiru dohbiru在rhinostery问你去giddeus和给他一些泉水那里。
Ohbiru-Dohbiru in the Rhinostery asks you to go to Giddeus and get him some water from the spring there.
以rhinostery食堂他给你giddeus到春季(K-12)或(E-12)和一个食堂giddeus水贸易。(注意,如果你有机会在Lower Jeuno,多梅尼克的经纱服务你可以经巴尔加台将让你非常接近的一个弹簧,当你浑然无觉到giddeus。)
Take the Rhinostery Canteen he gives you to Giddeus to the spring at (K-12) or (E-12) and trade to it for a Canteen of Giddeus Water. (Note that if you have access to Domenic's warp service in Lower Jeuno, you can warp to Balga's Dais which will put you very close to one of the springs when you zone out to Giddeus.)

The Rhinostery Canteen is a usable item, and you can 'use' it on the spring. As such, it will appear at the beginning of the item list, not after the equipment items.
贸易的食堂giddeus水ohbiru dohbiru报答你。
Trade the Canteen of Giddeus Water to Ohbiru-Dohbiru for your reward.

The Rhinostery Canteen is a usable item, and you can 'use' it on the spring. As such, it will appear at the beginning of the item list, not after the equipment items.

