在一个创纪录的一个污点[A Smudge on One's Record] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 102人看过
开始NPCHariga ORIGA温德斯特以北海域(f8) Hariga-Origa Windurst Waters North (F-8)

要求温德斯特声誉4 Windurst Reputation 4

所需物品oilfrost萝卜泥 Slime OilFrost Turnip

可重复的没有 No

奖励5000 gil2000经验的fei'yin pointsmap 5,000 gil2,000 Experience PointsMap of Fei'Yin

Note: You must zone after completing the previous quest before you can start this quest.
跟在西方optistery F-8在温德斯特水域Hariga ORIGA;他问你要带的物品固定在书上污迹。
Talk to Hariga-Origa in Windurst Waters in the west Optistery F-8; he asks you to bring items to fix smudges in a book.

Obtain Slime Oil, which drops from slimes and can be bought from the Auction House.
Acquire a Frost Turnip, which can be bought from the Auction House or the Valdeaunia regional merchant, or obtained from Vegetable Seeds in Mog Garden.

贸易项目同时Hariga ORIGA报答你。
Trade both items at the same time to Hariga-Origa for your reward.
If you already purchased a map of Fei'Yin from a vendor, you do not receive another.

Optional: after completing the quest, talk to Serukoko to learn the origin of the stain.

