戴上帽子[Hat in Hand] - Windurst Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 127人看过
开始NPC巴人没人-温德斯特以南海域(H-7) Baren-Moren - Windurst Waters South (H-7)

要求温德斯特声誉1 Windurst Reputation 1

所需物品新模型帽 New Model Hat

可重复的没有 No

奖励50 - 200 gilwindshear帽子 50 - 200 GilWindshear Hat


Baren-Moren, in the Hat shop (South Windurst Waters), wants you to show off the New Model Hat. Accept the offer and then go around and talk to the NPCs in Windurst Waters. The following NPCs say special things when you talk to them during this quest:

Bondada at the hat shop (after you talk to a certain number of people)
After you have talked to a certain number of NPCs, Bondada agrees to buy a hat when you talk to her again. This does not mean that you have earned the maximum reward, however.

在南部海域地图在e-6,7 honoi gomoi,他是在一栋两层的房子你去后面爬楼梯到
Honoi-Gomoi at E-6,7 in the south waters map, he is in a 2-story house you have to go behind and climb up the stairs to get to
kenapa keppa在rhinostery
Kenapa-Keppa at the Rhinostery

Clais near the Rarab's Tail
Kyume-Romeh in the Timbre Timbers Tavern

tosuka porika在东optistery建筑
Tosuka-Porika in the east Optistery building
pechiru mashiru在东aurastery建筑
Pechiru-Mashiru in the east Aurastery building

Machitata near the residence area
You must talk to a certain number of NPCs in order to complete this quest with the maximum reward. It is unknown how many are required, but talking to all NPCs in Windurst Waters works. The eight listed above may be mandatory but are not enough by themselves to give you any reward from the quest.

Don't leave Windurst Waters before you finish.
Warning: If you haven't yet begun  Babban Ny Mheillea, do NOT talk to Khoto Rokkorah during this quest. Doing so causes you to fail this quest. The resulting cutscene technically zones you to West Sarutabaruta and back, which counts as leaving Windurst Waters.

The more NPCs you talk to, the greater your final reward, up to a maximum of 200 gil and a Windshear Hat.
Talking to 133 NPCs in Windurst Waters gives the maximum reward.

To finish the quest talk to Baren-Moren and choose "Hang up your hat" to get your reward.

Bondada at the hat shop (after you talk to a certain number of people)
After you have talked to a certain number of NPCs, Bondada agrees to buy a hat when you talk to her again. This does not mean that you have earned the maximum reward, however.

在南部海域地图在e-6,7 honoi gomoi,他是在一栋两层的房子你去后面爬楼梯到
Honoi-Gomoi at E-6,7 in the south waters map, he is in a 2-story house you have to go behind and climb up the stairs to get to
kenapa keppa在rhinostery
Kenapa-Keppa at the Rhinostery

Clais near the Rarab's Tail
Kyume-Romeh in the Timbre Timbers Tavern

tosuka porika在东optistery建筑
Tosuka-Porika in the east Optistery building
pechiru mashiru在东aurastery建筑
Pechiru-Mashiru in the east Aurastery building

Machitata near the residence area

截至5月2012,风切变的帽子可以从orez ebrez帽子店购买即使你没有接受/完成任务。
As of May 2012, the Windshear Hat is available for purchase at the Hat Shop from Orez-Ebrez even if you have not accepted/completed this quest.
野猫的诱惑(温度斯特)优先于这个任务。如果你收到一个关于你的绿色哨兵徽章闪烁消息,跟NPC再次收到消息关于< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>新模型的帽子。
Lure of the Wildcat (Windurst) takes precedence over this quest. If you receive a message about your Green Sentinel Badge flashing, talk to that NPC again to receive the message about the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833"          alt="KeyItem"          class=""                  data-image-key="KeyItem.png"         data-image-name="KeyItem.png"                   width="16"           height="16"                                     >New Model Hat.

Nearly all NPCs in Windurst Waters work for this quest. A few, however, do not.
为了节省时间,根本谈不上协同的NPC,voidwatch相关NPC,季节性活动的NPC,rarab NPC,或者Moblin的NPC。避免这些NPC只有几个不算任务。
To save some time, do not talk to Synergy NPCs, Voidwatch-related NPCs, seasonal event NPCs, Rarab NPCs, or the Moblin NPC. Avoiding these NPCs leaves only a few that do not count for the quest.

