atelloune的挽歌[Atelloune's Lament] - San d'Oria Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 121人看过
开始NPCatelloune南圣多利亚(L-6) Atelloune - Southern San d'Oria (L-6)

所需物品瓢虫的翅膀 Ladybug Wing

可重复的没有 No

奖励见习手套 Trainee Gloves

任务步骤跟atelloune,站在附近的喷泉(L-6)在南部圣多利亚。她会告诉你她收到的一封信,让她很恼火。她会问你带回来一只瓢虫翅膀的回信。 Talk to Atelloune, standing near the fountain at (L-6) in Southern San d'Oria. She'll tell you about a letter she received that has her irritated. She'll ask you to bring back a Ladybug Wing in answer to her letter.

Trade a Ladybug Wing to Atelloune, which will give her a mild shock. For your reward, she tells you why there aren't any ladybugs in the present. She'll then give you the Trainee Gloves, and tell you to leave her to her work.

