野猫的诱惑(圣多利亚)[Lure of the Wildcat (San d'Oria)] - San d'Oria Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 140人看过
开始NPCamutiyaal南圣多利亚(L-6) Amutiyaal - Southern San d'Oria (L-6)

要求进入城堡d'oraguille Access to Chateau d'Oraguille

可重复的没有 No

奖励红色邀请卡 Red Invitation Card

雇佣兵向你怀特盖特能力 Ability for mercenaries to warp you to Whitegate任务步骤

注意,2级三d'orians或进步的使命和bastokers 2-3 windurstians需要进入城堡d'oraguille。5野猫的NPC有任务的诱惑,从而获得它需要得到米斯里鲁片作为奖励。有意义的帝国米斯里鲁件你从眼镜salaheem(AHT urhgan怀特盖特(-10);楼上))交易她4邀请卡你做的一切4野猫的任务。
Note that Rank 2 for San d'Orians or advancement to Mission 2-3 for Windurstians and Bastokers is required to enter the Chateau d'Oraguille. 5 of the NPCs for Lure of the Wildcat quest are there, and thus access to it is required to get the Mythril piece as a reward.<- Meaning the imperial Mythril piece you get from Naja Salaheem (Aht Urhgan Whitegate (I-10); upstairs)) for trading her all 4 invitation cards you get for doing all 4 Wildcat quests.
Note: The quest A Timely Visit will also give you access to Chateau d'Oraguille when you reach the point where you are ordered to talk to Halver.

跟amutiyaal(近狮子泉酒店喷泉)会给你一个红色的哨兵徽章,请你在AHT urhgan一佣兵团招募新兵。
Talk to Amutiyaal (at the fountain near Lion Springs Tavern) who will give you a Red Sentinel Badge and ask you to find new recruits for a mercenary group in Aht Urhgan.
Check the badge to get coordinates for the people you should talk to in each area.

你就会知道你已经找到了正确的人,因为你得到了一个戏剧化的消息:“[ <名称> ]徽章闪烁明亮。”
You will know you've found the right person because you get an emote message: "[<name>]'s badge flashes brightly."
After you talk to all of the people for San d'Oria, return to Amutiyaal to receive a Red Invitation Card (key item).

Note when talking to Halver if you are currently on Mission 2-3 for San d'Orians you must first complete the mission. Halver will only speak of the mission until completed,however,  if you have this quest activated while doing mission 2-3 for San d'Oria, Halver will speak of your badge before speaking of the quest.
You will need to talk to:

Once the quest is complete, you can warp to Aht Urhgan Whitegate by trading the quest starter 300 gil.
只做这一任务将不会获得你获得怀特盖特。你必须在这之前访问将工作做一个任务,tenshodo Jeuno的追求。
Just doing this quest alone will not gain you access to Whitegate. You must do a quest in Jeuno and a quest in Tenshodo before this access will work.

