在宣誓[Under Oath] - San d'Oria Quest
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 126人看过
开始NPC :该酒庄d'oraguille Trion - Chateau d'Oraguille
要求 :圣骑士50级+圣多利亚排名:2巴斯托克/温度斯特排名:3 Paladin Level 50+San d'Oria Rank: 2or Bastok/Windurst Rank: 3
所需物品 :对paperwell weightknight供述Zvahl围堰keymique的paintbrushstrange表 Zvahl Coffer KeyMique's PaintbrushStrange Sheet of PaperWell WeightKnight's Confession
授予称号 :帕拉丁的卓越典范 Paragon of Paladin Excellence
可重复的 :是的,看到vingijard AF完成后。 Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Gallant Surcoat
Go to Chateau d'Oraguille and click on the door to Prince Trion's chambers. (If you were a Paladin when you completed A Boy's Dream, you may have already received this cutscene.)
Note: This quest takes priority over receiving the Trust: Trion spell. If you are trying to receive the trust spell, you may have to click on the door multiple times until you receive the proper cutscene for it.
< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/e/e3/castle_zvahl_bailes_03.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?CB = 20060806171747”alt=“城堡Zvahl Bailes 03”class=“thumbimage”数据图像关键=“castle_zvahl_bailes_03。png图像数据名称=“城堡Zvahl Bailes 03。png”width=“180”height=“180”>保险箱位置
<img srcurl="http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/e/e3/Castle_Zvahl_Bailes_03.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20060806171747" alt="Castle Zvahl Bailes 03" class="thumbimage " data-image-key="Castle_Zvahl_Bailes_03.png" data-image-name="Castle Zvahl Bailes 03.png" width="180" height="180" > Coffer Locations
Note: This quest takes priority over receiving the Trust: Trion spell. If you are trying to receive the trust spell, you may have to click on the door multiple times until you receive the proper cutscene for it.
You may finish the quest as any job at this point.
After the cutscene, head to Southern San d'Oria and talk to Vemalpeau (M-7), who lives inside the small house nearest Lion Square, on the bottom floor.
Then go to Lion Spring's Tavern and talk to Najjar.
接下来,头数caffaule庄园(B6)跟ullasa。ullasa提到< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”> mique的画笔。一旦你看到画笔所提到的,你可以去狩猎的关键。
Next, head to Count Caffaule's Manor (B-6) and talk to Ullasa. Ullasa mentions <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Mique's Paintbrush. Once you see the paintbrush mentioned, you can go key hunting.
Head to Castle Zvahl Baileys and obtain a Zvahl Coffer Key. (You can just pick the lock on Thief and skip the key farming)
Keys can be dropped by Ahriman, Abyssal Demons, Arch Demons, Blood Demons, and Doom Demons.
To the right is a map of the coffer locations. Basically, the key dropping monsters are in the four corners and the tunnels leading to the four corners. To get to these corners, you need to drop down into four different holes. However, the northwest hole will only lead to the northwest corner, and once you drop, you must make your way back up to get to a different hole.
打开保险箱获得< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”> mique的画笔。咖啡可以在任何工作了。
Open a coffer to obtain <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Mique's Paintbrush. Coffer can be opened on any job.
注:如果你有一个现有的神器任务主动从这个金库,金库会产生伪影,不< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”> mique的画笔。
Note: If you have a current artifact quest active from this coffer, the coffer will produce the artifact and not <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Mique's Paintbrush.
Note: This can be picked as a Thief, since Paladin does not have to be your main job to obtain the paintbrush.
Return to Southern San d'Oria and talk to Vemalpeau at (M-7).
楼上的房子进行vemalpeau。立即到您的左边,有三个点,可以检查。点击墙上的画上面的第一点,选择选项“看看后面的框架”和“检查信”获得< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>奇怪的纸。
Proceed upstairs in Vemalpeau's house. Immediately to your left, there are three spots that can be examined. Click on the painting on the wall above the first spot and select the option to "look behind the frame" and then "examine a letter" to obtain a <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Strange Sheet of Paper.
(optional) Return to Vemalpeau who mentions his son's commanding officer.
Go to "Helbort's Blades" (K-7) and talk to Exoroche, who tells you to go to Davoi.
Go to Davoi, and at (G-9) there is a Village Well. The person who needs this quest is the one who will touch the well and immediately spawn two NMs: Three-eyed Prozpuz (RNG) and One-eyed Gwajboj (PLD).
A full alliance of level 55+, a full well rounded party, or high level help is recommended.
The area should be cleared of Orcs, which link with the NMs.
(see testimonials)
Defeat the NMs to obtain the Well Weight.
One-eyed Gwajboj drops the Well Weight regardless of whether or not the other NM is killed.
After killing the NMs, only one Well Weight drops. So if you have more than one PLD who needs the quest, you must kill them both again.
贸易好重的村庄以及过场动画和< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?可转债= 20101011234833
Trade the Well Weight to the Village Well for a cutscene and the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" a
要求 :圣骑士50级+圣多利亚排名:2巴斯托克/温度斯特排名:3 Paladin Level 50+San d'Oria Rank: 2or Bastok/Windurst Rank: 3
所需物品 :对paperwell weightknight供述Zvahl围堰keymique的paintbrushstrange表 Zvahl Coffer KeyMique's PaintbrushStrange Sheet of PaperWell WeightKnight's Confession
授予称号 :帕拉丁的卓越典范 Paragon of Paladin Excellence
可重复的 :是的,看到vingijard AF完成后。 Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.
Gallant Surcoat
Go to Chateau d'Oraguille and click on the door to Prince Trion's chambers. (If you were a Paladin when you completed A Boy's Dream, you may have already received this cutscene.)
Note: This quest takes priority over receiving the Trust: Trion spell. If you are trying to receive the trust spell, you may have to click on the door multiple times until you receive the proper cutscene for it.
< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/e/e3/castle_zvahl_bailes_03.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?CB = 20060806171747”alt=“城堡Zvahl Bailes 03”class=“thumbimage”数据图像关键=“castle_zvahl_bailes_03。png图像数据名称=“城堡Zvahl Bailes 03。png”width=“180”height=“180”>保险箱位置
<img srcurl="http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/e/e3/Castle_Zvahl_Bailes_03.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20060806171747" alt="Castle Zvahl Bailes 03" class="thumbimage " data-image-key="Castle_Zvahl_Bailes_03.png" data-image-name="Castle Zvahl Bailes 03.png" width="180" height="180" > Coffer Locations
Note: This quest takes priority over receiving the Trust: Trion spell. If you are trying to receive the trust spell, you may have to click on the door multiple times until you receive the proper cutscene for it.
You may finish the quest as any job at this point.
After the cutscene, head to Southern San d'Oria and talk to Vemalpeau (M-7), who lives inside the small house nearest Lion Square, on the bottom floor.
Then go to Lion Spring's Tavern and talk to Najjar.
接下来,头数caffaule庄园(B6)跟ullasa。ullasa提到< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”> mique的画笔。一旦你看到画笔所提到的,你可以去狩猎的关键。
Next, head to Count Caffaule's Manor (B-6) and talk to Ullasa. Ullasa mentions <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Mique's Paintbrush. Once you see the paintbrush mentioned, you can go key hunting.
Head to Castle Zvahl Baileys and obtain a Zvahl Coffer Key. (You can just pick the lock on Thief and skip the key farming)
Keys can be dropped by Ahriman, Abyssal Demons, Arch Demons, Blood Demons, and Doom Demons.
To the right is a map of the coffer locations. Basically, the key dropping monsters are in the four corners and the tunnels leading to the four corners. To get to these corners, you need to drop down into four different holes. However, the northwest hole will only lead to the northwest corner, and once you drop, you must make your way back up to get to a different hole.
打开保险箱获得< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”> mique的画笔。咖啡可以在任何工作了。
Open a coffer to obtain <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Mique's Paintbrush. Coffer can be opened on any job.
注:如果你有一个现有的神器任务主动从这个金库,金库会产生伪影,不< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”> mique的画笔。
Note: If you have a current artifact quest active from this coffer, the coffer will produce the artifact and not <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Mique's Paintbrush.
Note: This can be picked as a Thief, since Paladin does not have to be your main job to obtain the paintbrush.
Return to Southern San d'Oria and talk to Vemalpeau at (M-7).
楼上的房子进行vemalpeau。立即到您的左边,有三个点,可以检查。点击墙上的画上面的第一点,选择选项“看看后面的框架”和“检查信”获得< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?CB = 20101011234833”alt=“keyitem”class=“数据图像关键=“keyitem。png图像数据名称=“keyitem。png”width=“16”height=“16”>奇怪的纸。
Proceed upstairs in Vemalpeau's house. Immediately to your left, there are three spots that can be examined. Click on the painting on the wall above the first spot and select the option to "look behind the frame" and then "examine a letter" to obtain a <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" alt="KeyItem" class="" data-image-key="KeyItem.png" data-image-name="KeyItem.png" width="16" height="16" >Strange Sheet of Paper.
(optional) Return to Vemalpeau who mentions his son's commanding officer.
Go to "Helbort's Blades" (K-7) and talk to Exoroche, who tells you to go to Davoi.
Go to Davoi, and at (G-9) there is a Village Well. The person who needs this quest is the one who will touch the well and immediately spawn two NMs: Three-eyed Prozpuz (RNG) and One-eyed Gwajboj (PLD).
A full alliance of level 55+, a full well rounded party, or high level help is recommended.
The area should be cleared of Orcs, which link with the NMs.
(see testimonials)
Defeat the NMs to obtain the Well Weight.
One-eyed Gwajboj drops the Well Weight regardless of whether or not the other NM is killed.
After killing the NMs, only one Well Weight drops. So if you have more than one PLD who needs the quest, you must kill them both again.
贸易好重的村庄以及过场动画和< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/keyitem.png/revision/latest?可转债= 20101011234833
Trade the Well Weight to the Village Well for a cutscene and the <img srcurl="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/5/57/KeyItem.png/revision/latest?cb=20101011234833" a