诱饵和开关[Bait and Switch] - Bastok Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 156人看过
开始NPC萨利姆-金属制品(G-7) Salim - Metalworks (G-7)

要求巴斯托克声誉3 Bastok Reputation 3

所需物品服装套件(可选) Costume Kit (Optional)

可重复的是的,每一次征服一周 Yes, once per conquest week

奖励什么之中的一个 One of:

Prism Powder

Key Ring Belt
Hermes Quencher

Silent Oil

Icarus Wing (Can only be obtained after receiving all other rewards from this quest once; requires Costume Kit in temporary key items)
Failure to Distract

After the first time through, you become "more involved" in the cutscene.

“把它留给LUTO mewrilah”,或…
"Leave it to Luto Mewrilah", or...
"Say something clever" and then choose "Checking out the Metalworks."


“让miledo shiraddo”,或…
"Leave it to Miledo-Shiraddo", or...

"Say something clever" and then choose "Waiting for a friend."

"Use the Lucky Charm."
Note: If you are at the wrong switch, he will catch you no matter what.


"Use the Costume Kit" and then select one of the three items (knitted cap, spectacles, silver heels).  The knitted cap will transform you into Salim's son Pabro if you're a male character, or his daughter Erba if you're a female character; the spectacles will transform you into Salim's father if you're a male character, or his mother if you're a female character; and the silver heels will transform you into Salim's wife Ulrica regardless of your gender.  Any of the 3 transformations will work, and there does not seem to be a limit as to how many times you can transform into the same person during the quest.

Failure to Distract
如果你不能引开警卫,要么LUTO mewrilah或miledo shiraddo会被抓住。
If you fail to distract the guard, either Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo will be caught.

如果LUTO mewrilah或miledo shiraddo被逮到,可以通过玩家的愤怒爆发出来(在工匠的餐馆,楼上)然后人大folzen。
If Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo get caught, you can free them by going to the NPC Ferghus (in Craftsmen's Eatery, Upper Floor) and then NPC Folzen.
如果LUTO mewrilah或miledo shiraddo抓到三次,你必须启动任务结束。跟萨利姆再参观寺庙。(该开关命令将重置为一个新的随机顺序。)
If Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo get caught three times, you must start the quest over.  Speak to Salim again and visit the Temple.  (The switch order will be reset to a new random order.)

如果有人被抓住,不要再按开关。这将重置所有开关。< IMG srcurl =“http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/b/b7/exclamation.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/14?CB = 20061130211020”alt=“感叹”class=“数据图像关键=”的感叹。GIF数据图像名称=“的感叹。GIF”width=“14”height=“12”>去释放NPC被俘(通过上述方法)和头回到开关,你以前有错了再试。卫兵可能或不可能是同一个。
If someone gets caught, DO NOT press the switch again.  This will reset all the switches.<img srcurl="http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ffxi/images/b/b7/Exclamation.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/14?cb=20061130211020"          alt="Exclamation"          class=""                  data-image-key="Exclamation.gif"         data-image-name="Exclamation.gif"                   width="14"           height="12"                                     >  Go release the NPC that was captured (via the above mentioned method) and head back to the switch that you previously got wrong and try again.  The Guardsmen may or may not be the same one.

如果LUTO mewrilah或miledo shiraddo被逮到,可以通过玩家的愤怒爆发出来(在工匠的餐馆,楼上)然后人大folzen。
If Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo get caught, you can free them by going to the NPC Ferghus (in Craftsmen's Eatery, Upper Floor) and then NPC Folzen.
如果LUTO mewrilah或miledo shiraddo抓到三次,你必须启动任务结束。跟萨利姆再参观寺庙。(该开关命令将重置为一个新的随机顺序。)
If Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo get caught three times, you must start the quest over.  Speak to Salim again and visit the Temple.  (The switch order will be reset to a new random order.)

Talk to Salim to get a cutscene.  He is standing on the balcony overlooking the north elevator.
DO NOT ZONE after you have started the quest; if you do, it will be cancelled.

下次去在金属制品底部的女神庙(八国集团)和检查????在一个miledo shiraddo和LUTO mewrilah动画坛。
Next go to the Temple of the Goddess at the bottom of Metalworks (G-8) and examine the ??? on the altar for a cutscene with Miledo-Shiraddo and Luto Mewrilah.
After the first time through, you become "more involved" in the cutscene.

Choose one of seven different items to help you in the quest.  Whichever you choose will determine your reward:
Bard's Harp -> Prism Powder. When using it on guards, choose "Recent Happy Times" for Militant Gale, "romotion Day" for Gentle Tiger - other results are neutral/unfavorable.  The first time you play for each guard, you receive a small 10 gil reward (until you have played for both guards.  You can play for the same one and get a reward as long as you haven't played for the other. -- even repeating the quest in future "cycles" does not reset this).  You can play the harp with no limit - using the songs above will allow you to progress to press the switch.

 ??? (Costume Kit) -> Icarus Wing. The Costume Kit is revealed after completing the quest once with each of the other available options and upon completion of Chameleon Capers. -Note- Only able to be completed once unless you restart the NPC quest.
Lead Guardsman's ID -> Hi-Potion

Militant Gale - Used Lead Guardsman's ID
Take a break - Leaves to take a break.

守另一点或miledo LUTO mewrilah shiraddo捕获。
Guard another spot - Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo captured.
叫所有的守卫一起LUTO mewrilah或miledo shiraddo捕获。
Call all guards together - Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo captured.

How is Salim doing? - Goes away to check on Salim.
Gentle Tiger - Used Lead Guardsman's ID

All options are same as for Militant Gale, but you get the exact opposite results!
休息- LUTO mewrilah或miledo shiraddo捕获。
Take a break - Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo captured.

Guard another spot - Leaves to guard another spot.
Call all guards together - Leaves to call them together.

该做的是如何?- LUTO mewrilah或miledo shiraddo捕获。
How is Salim doing? - Luto Mewrilah or Miledo-Shiraddo captured.
Lucky Charm -> Key Ring Belt

Pocket Watch -> Hermes Quencher
Scope -> Silent Oil. Allows you to see which NPCs are safe to talk to for hin

