生态战士(巴斯托克)[Eco-Warrior (Bastok)] - Bastok Quest
时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 155人看过
开始NPC :raifa港口巴斯托克(D-6) Raifa Port Bastok (D-6)
要求 :巴斯托克声誉水平上限:25eco战士(圣多利亚)和生态战士(温德斯特)不在当前的任务 Bastok Reputation 1Level Cap: 25Eco-Warrior (San d'Oria) and Eco-Warrior (Windurst) not in current quests
所需物品 :未消化的矿石 Indigested Ore
授予称号 :天蓝色的士兵 Cerulean Soldier
可重复的 :是的,每一次的征服 Yes, once per conquest tally
5000 Gildragon编年史
5,000 gilDragon Chronicles
NOTE: Before attempting this quest, designate a leader so that the group functions as a team. This is essential for the success of this quest. Make sure you have a near-full alliance unless you are using two or more Summoners with Ifrit's Astral Flow ability, Inferno.
Talk to Raifa in the Steaming Sheep Restaurant in Port Bastok (D-6).
If you cannot get the quest, Raifa says...
Something about the food. (You have already completed an Eco-Warrior quest this Conquest period or you do not have enough fame)
"...Can I have a moment of your time? Oh, but you look busy..." (You are currently involved in another Eco-Warrior quest)
Head to Gusgen Mines.
Talk to Degga at (H-9). (You will see him on your right, toward the end of the entry corridor.) He applies an ointment that restricts your level to 25. Buffs do NOT wear with this level restriction. Buff before applying the restriction.
Note that, once the level restriction is applied, only others with the same level restriction are able to cure or buff you.
You lose the level restriction if you are KO'd. It may be reapplied at any time by speaking to Degga again once raised.
Note: if you Reraise, you keep the level restriction.
If you return to your Home Point after being KO'd or otherwise leave the area in any way, you lose any progress made in the quest since talking to Degga.
At the very first 4-way intersection (H-9), go down the west corridor (turn left).
Go down the west corridor and turn north at (G-9).
Continue north at (G-9) and do not turn down any passage except ones leading north until you arrive at (G-6).
Camp on the western side of (G-6) and clear out the monsters here before turning to the east corridor.
Clear the way to the east. The ??? is on a chest further east in the middle of the deck at (H-6). Clear the area around the chest.
When ready, click the ??? to spawn two Pudding NMs.
You must have the level restriction applied to spawn and engage these NMs.
布丁产卵与向党员谁滋生仇恨他们。如果采用溜鱼,还引怪。点击 ????删除任何潜在的影响。
The Puddings spawn with aggro toward the party member who spawns them. If Sneak is applied, the spawner is still aggroed. Clicking the ??? removes any Sneak effect.
The Puddings are Slime-type NMs. As such, they are weak against magic, but highly resistant to physical attack. As they gain TP, they use a strong version of Fluid Spread, the Slime AOE attack, that causes critical damage to anyone in range. This is a common cause of wipes.
在NMS被打败了,碰 ????再次收到一个杂乱的矿石。
After the NMs are defeated, touch the ??? again to receive an Indigested Ore.
You must have the Level Restriction applied to obtain the key item.
你应该改变期间或之后的战斗区域,但之前获得的关键项目,点击 ????使布丁重生。他们必须再次被击败为你获得的关键项目。
Should you change areas during or after the fight, but before obtaining the key item, clicking the ??? causes the Puddings to respawn. They must be defeated again for you to obtain the key item.
Return to Degga to have your ointment/level restriction removed. It may also be removed through logging out and back in, or simply warping out of the mines.
Return to Raifa in Port Bastok to receive your reward.
Gusgen Mines
If you cannot get the quest, Raifa says...
Something about the food. (You have already completed an Eco-Warrior quest this Conquest period or you do not have enough fame)
"...Can I have a moment of your time? Oh, but you look busy..." (You are currently involved in another Eco-Warrior quest)
Gusgen Mines
Something about the food. (You have already completed an Eco-Warrior quest this Conquest period or you do not have enough fame)
"...Can I have a moment of your time? Oh, but you look busy..." (You are currently involved in another Eco-Warrior quest)
Gusgen Mines
Note that, once the level restriction is applied, only others with the same level restriction are able to cure or buff you.
You lose the level restriction if you are KO'd. It may be reapplied at any time by speaking to Degga again once raised.
Note: if you Reraise, you keep the level restriction.
If you return to your Home Point after being KO'd or otherwise leave the area in any way, you lose any progress made in the quest since talking to Degga.
You must have the level restriction applied to spawn and engage these NMs.
布丁产卵与向党员谁滋生仇恨他们。如果采用溜鱼,还引怪。点击 ????删除任何潜在的影响。
The Puddings spawn with aggro toward the party member who spawns them. If Sneak is applied, the spawner is still aggroed. Clicking the ??? removes any Sneak effect.
The Puddings are Slime-type NMs. As such, they are weak against magic, but highly resistant to physical attack. As they gain TP, they use a strong version of Fluid Spread, the Slime AOE attack, that causes critical damage to anyone in range. This is a common cause of wipes.
Gusgen Mines
要求 :巴斯托克声誉水平上限:25eco战士(圣多利亚)和生态战士(温德斯特)不在当前的任务 Bastok Reputation 1Level Cap: 25Eco-Warrior (San d'Oria) and Eco-Warrior (Windurst) not in current quests
所需物品 :未消化的矿石 Indigested Ore
授予称号 :天蓝色的士兵 Cerulean Soldier
可重复的 :是的,每一次的征服 Yes, once per conquest tally
5000 Gildragon编年史
5,000 gilDragon Chronicles
NOTE: Before attempting this quest, designate a leader so that the group functions as a team. This is essential for the success of this quest. Make sure you have a near-full alliance unless you are using two or more Summoners with Ifrit's Astral Flow ability, Inferno.
Talk to Raifa in the Steaming Sheep Restaurant in Port Bastok (D-6).
If you cannot get the quest, Raifa says...
Something about the food. (You have already completed an Eco-Warrior quest this Conquest period or you do not have enough fame)
"...Can I have a moment of your time? Oh, but you look busy..." (You are currently involved in another Eco-Warrior quest)
Head to Gusgen Mines.
Talk to Degga at (H-9). (You will see him on your right, toward the end of the entry corridor.) He applies an ointment that restricts your level to 25. Buffs do NOT wear with this level restriction. Buff before applying the restriction.
Note that, once the level restriction is applied, only others with the same level restriction are able to cure or buff you.
You lose the level restriction if you are KO'd. It may be reapplied at any time by speaking to Degga again once raised.
Note: if you Reraise, you keep the level restriction.
If you return to your Home Point after being KO'd or otherwise leave the area in any way, you lose any progress made in the quest since talking to Degga.
At the very first 4-way intersection (H-9), go down the west corridor (turn left).
Go down the west corridor and turn north at (G-9).
Continue north at (G-9) and do not turn down any passage except ones leading north until you arrive at (G-6).
Camp on the western side of (G-6) and clear out the monsters here before turning to the east corridor.
Clear the way to the east. The ??? is on a chest further east in the middle of the deck at (H-6). Clear the area around the chest.
When ready, click the ??? to spawn two Pudding NMs.
You must have the level restriction applied to spawn and engage these NMs.
布丁产卵与向党员谁滋生仇恨他们。如果采用溜鱼,还引怪。点击 ????删除任何潜在的影响。
The Puddings spawn with aggro toward the party member who spawns them. If Sneak is applied, the spawner is still aggroed. Clicking the ??? removes any Sneak effect.
The Puddings are Slime-type NMs. As such, they are weak against magic, but highly resistant to physical attack. As they gain TP, they use a strong version of Fluid Spread, the Slime AOE attack, that causes critical damage to anyone in range. This is a common cause of wipes.
在NMS被打败了,碰 ????再次收到一个杂乱的矿石。
After the NMs are defeated, touch the ??? again to receive an Indigested Ore.
You must have the Level Restriction applied to obtain the key item.
你应该改变期间或之后的战斗区域,但之前获得的关键项目,点击 ????使布丁重生。他们必须再次被击败为你获得的关键项目。
Should you change areas during or after the fight, but before obtaining the key item, clicking the ??? causes the Puddings to respawn. They must be defeated again for you to obtain the key item.
Return to Degga to have your ointment/level restriction removed. It may also be removed through logging out and back in, or simply warping out of the mines.
Return to Raifa in Port Bastok to receive your reward.
Gusgen Mines
If you cannot get the quest, Raifa says...
Something about the food. (You have already completed an Eco-Warrior quest this Conquest period or you do not have enough fame)
"...Can I have a moment of your time? Oh, but you look busy..." (You are currently involved in another Eco-Warrior quest)
Gusgen Mines
Something about the food. (You have already completed an Eco-Warrior quest this Conquest period or you do not have enough fame)
"...Can I have a moment of your time? Oh, but you look busy..." (You are currently involved in another Eco-Warrior quest)
Gusgen Mines
Note that, once the level restriction is applied, only others with the same level restriction are able to cure or buff you.
You lose the level restriction if you are KO'd. It may be reapplied at any time by speaking to Degga again once raised.
Note: if you Reraise, you keep the level restriction.
If you return to your Home Point after being KO'd or otherwise leave the area in any way, you lose any progress made in the quest since talking to Degga.
You must have the level restriction applied to spawn and engage these NMs.
布丁产卵与向党员谁滋生仇恨他们。如果采用溜鱼,还引怪。点击 ????删除任何潜在的影响。
The Puddings spawn with aggro toward the party member who spawns them. If Sneak is applied, the spawner is still aggroed. Clicking the ??? removes any Sneak effect.
The Puddings are Slime-type NMs. As such, they are weak against magic, but highly resistant to physical attack. As they gain TP, they use a strong version of Fluid Spread, the Slime AOE attack, that causes critical damage to anyone in range. This is a common cause of wipes.
Gusgen Mines