的talekeeper的真相[The Talekeeper's Truth] - Bastok Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 174人看过
开始NPCdeidogg -巴斯托克矿山(H-6) Deidogg - Bastok Mines (H-6)

要求战士50 Warrior 50

所需物品quadav eggparasite斑驳的皮肤 Mottled Quadav EggParasite Skin

可重复的是的,看到vingijard AF完成后。 Yes, see Vingijard after AF is complete.

奖励战斗机的calligae Fighter's Calligae


Phara, at (J-9) in the Bastok Mines tells you about the Galka Deidogg at (H-6) in the Bastok Mines.

你需要跟deidogg两次战士作为您的主要工作接受动画,他会问你一个斑驳的quadav鸡蛋下降了ni'ghu nestfender在palborough矿山。
You will need to speak with Deidogg twice with Warrior set as your main job to receive the cutscene where he will ask you for a Mottled Quadav Egg dropped by Ni'Ghu Nestfender in Palborough Mines.
从palborough矿山的第一个地图,在8到第三层带电梯。ni'ghu nestfender滋生的????位于G-10。这里没有将足够高的仇恨你,和房间通常是空的,但是如果有quadav徘徊在,当然,事先明确区。
From the first map in Palborough Mines, take the elevator at I-8 up to the Third Floor. Ni'Ghu Nestfender spawns from a ??? located in G-10.  Nothing here will be high enough to aggro you, and the room is usually empty, but if some Quadav have wandered in, of course, clear the area beforehand.

Note: You do not have to go with Warrior as your main job in order to spawn the NM but must have the quest active.
当你准备好了,检查了吗????产卵ni'ghu nestfender。他是一个圣骑士,并将使用无敌和闪光。
When your party is ready, examine the ??? to spawn Ni'Ghu Nestfender. He is a Paladin, and will use Invincible and Flash.

When he is defeated, he will drop the Mottled Quadav Egg.
要确保你没有接触????又或者它会产生另一个ni'ghu nestfender和要做的战斗了。
Make sure you do not touch the ??? again or it will spawn another Ni'Ghu Nestfender and you will have to do the fight again.

After you bring the Mottled Quadav Egg to Deidogg, the cutscene suggests that you get a Parasite Skin from Castle Oztroja.
Note:  Since Parasite Skin is a normal drop off the leeches in Castle Oztroja, you can save yourself a trip to Bastok if you catch a Teleport-Mea and head to Castle Oztroja before returning to town. You can kill two birds with one stone this way, and trade the skin after trading the egg to Deidogg when you arrive in Bastok Mines.

If you would rather take the extra trip, remember that there is a ferry from Palborough Mines to Zeruhn Mines which will put you right next to Bastok Mines.
如果你有zilart II级voidwatch经访问,你可以用这个来缩短你的行程oztroja城堡以经对zi'tah圣所。
If you have Zilart Tier II Voidwatch Warp access, you can use this to shorten your trip to Castle Oztroja by taking the warp to The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah.

With the introduction of waypoints you can now warp straight to Castle Oztroja
When you get to Castle Oztroja you need to go past the first doorway with the trapdoor and proceed up to the 4 lever door at the SW corner of G-8. You can find the combination to the door at the dead-end at (I-10).

Once inside this doorway proceed all the way up the stairs to a chamber with a pool in the middle of it. This pool will be surrounded by Tier 6 Yagudo and full of the leeches you need to kill.
The leeches aggro by sound and the Yagudo aggro by sight.

Kill a Yagudo Parasite and obtain the Parasite Skin.
Head back to Deidogg and trade him the Parasite Skin.  He will ask you to return the next Vana'diel day.

When you return, he will present you with your hard-earned Fighter's Calligae.

