一位女士的心[A Lady's Heart] - Bastok Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 166人看过
开始NPCvalah molkot端口巴斯托克(歼-12) Valah Molkot - Port Bastok (J-12)

要求巴斯托克声誉1 Bastok Reputation 1

所需物品朱顶红 Amaryllis

可重复的没有 No

奖励退出任何区域内的城市houseexit巴斯托克MOG MOG MOG花园巴斯托克房子如果unlockedafter完成种花,一个女人的心,和英子:MOG MOG房子2F和安全2解锁 Exit to any area within the city from Bastok Mog HouseExit to Mog Garden from Bastok Mog House if unlockedAfter completing Growing Flowers, A Lady's Heart, and Flower Child:Mog House 2F and Mog Safe 2 unlocked


与valah molkot港巴斯托克J-12说,她最终会提到一朵红色的花。
Speak with Valah Molkot at J-12 in Port Bastok, she will eventually mention something about a red flower.

(Optional) Try trading her a flower, she'll accept it but says what she really wants is an Amaryllis.
Trade her an amaryllis and she will teach you the back alleys of Bastok, enabling you to exit to any residential area within Bastok from your mog house.


(Optional) Try trading her a flower, she'll accept it but says what she really wants is an Amaryllis.

