路标标志的地方[The Signpost Marks the Spot] - Bastok Quest

楼主 dagger 时间 2017-06-29 • 0人收藏 • 175人看过
开始NPCNBU latteh -巴斯托克市场(J-9) Nbu Latteh - Bastok Markets (J-9)

要求巴斯托克声誉2 Bastok Reputation 2

授予称号宝清除剂 Treasure Scavenger

可重复的没有 No

奖励亚麻长袍 Linen Robe


跟NBU latteh。
Talk to Nbu Latteh.

注意:如果你没有划由之前的任务, 妈妈,冒险家吗?NBU会跟你聊她的工作。
Note: If you have not zoned from the prior quest, Mom, the Adventurer? Nbu will just chat with you about her work.
Go to Konschtat Highlands and select the signpost at G-5 to receive the Painting of a Windmill (key item).

Return to Bastok, and talk to Roh Latteh in Bastok Mines to complete the quest and receive the Linen Robe reward.

